Should I add a Komplete Audio 2/3rd party interface to my Maschine +?

fkaNous Member Posts: 19 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Is there any reason to get a Komplete Audio 2 to run with my Maschine+? Other than XLR and Phantom Power? Is the audio better? Easier to record guitar, other instruments?



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    It depends, what one needs. Dedicated audio interfaces will be in most cases of higher quality than internal one. And one may need more inputs/outputs than 1/1. Also audio interfaces have usually higher gain on its inputs.

  • Tony Jones
    Tony Jones Member Posts: 261 Pro

    Audio Interface buying can be non-trivial, and you need to factor in a number of things, including future expansion and instrument type. I bought a 4 input Focusrite I didn't get on with, traded it towards an 8 channel Behringer I didn't like, which then developed a fault. With the shortage of gear I ended up getting an 8-channel Focusrite at twice the price, but it works like a dream.

    I use synths with stereo input, your needs will doubtlessly be different. As far as I can see the Komplete Audio (which I considered) is OK for the scale of connection it offers, but mostly people look at a small number of alternatives (Focusrite, Presonus...). Looking for advice on YouTube gets complicated as people have very different ideas of what's suitable at budget.

  • fkaNous
    fkaNous Member Posts: 19 Member

    I likely would need higher gain. I'm going to be recording some guitar and bass into Maschine at some point. And I'm going to be without a laptop/PC for a while. I'm just trying to make sure that I'm in a good situation. I'm not sure I NEED one, but it would help.

  • fkaNous
    fkaNous Member Posts: 19 Member

    I've considered a Focusrite or some other interface over the Komplete Audio 2, just through reviews and my brother's advice (he's a sound engineer). I went to Guitar Center and was told that the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen should work because it's class-compliant. Eventually, I'd be recording some light vocals, but it's mostly about recording guitar/bass. The thought that I don't NEED an interface kept me from getting one, along with the thought that it might NOT work. I just need more info and reassurance first.

  • tribepop
    tribepop Member Posts: 179 Pro

    You really only need an additional interface if you require more audio or MIDI I/O. If you’re wanting to have more gain because your plugging in a line level instrument, I recommend just buying a good preamp. If you’re playing bass you absolutely need a SansAmp driver pedal in your arsenal. I’m including the ParaDriver model here that you can use with bass, synths, guitar, etc. I’ve also included a cheaper tube amp that has different profiles for different sound sources that’s useful for recording.

    SansAmp ParaDriver -

    ART Tube PreAmp -

  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 270 Pro

    It's always a good idea to focus on a dedicated audio interface. I don't own a Maschine+ myself but do have the Mk3 (which also has an audio interface) and while it's definitely useful and pretty good IMO it also doesn't really weigh up against a dedicated interface. I ended up with a Komplete Audio 6 simply because my full home studio is heavily build "on" Komplete so it was a logical choice for me.

    The difference between those two is easily noticeable, and I'm not only talking about the massive amounts of in- and out-put channels.

  • fkaNous
    fkaNous Member Posts: 19 Member

    Does anyone know if the Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 3rd gen works with the Maschine Plus? I'm considering getting that.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    I have the gen1 and works fine, others have confirmed gen2 works as well but I haven't seen anyone mention gen3... It should work since not much changed but try asking here:

    Or on Reddit, if no one confirms it.

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