My NI account was hacked ;(

Nikita Miller
Nikita Miller Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Native Access

Pls HELP! My NI account was hacked 12 July 2021 and i found out only today. He don’t changed my email address and password. He only transferred my license of Komplete Ultimate 12 Box version with HDD (I am the first and only user) to his NI Account (This transfer was Assigned to Hans D.) 

What do I need to do to get my license back and How can I get any help with this issue?

Thank you!

Nikita Miller


  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 329 Pro

    Probably need to put in a support ticket, as this is more of a user forum than tech/legal licensing support.

    They will be able to reach out to the 'new user' for license and confirm you didn't sell it to him/her, and with verification invalidate that license and probably get you a new one (or whatever).

    I think you can even use the live chat for your issue, perhaps - here:

  • Simchris
    Simchris Member Posts: 329 Pro

    And common sense, you should change your username, password here if not done already, and make sure you use a more secure password, and consider checking your system for malware, and perhaps use one of the online tools to see if any of your other passwords/accounts have been compromised online. Like, if you're using same password multiple places like Netflix and Amazon, they may have been hacked as well.

    ** I do not work here, just some advice. **

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited January 2022

    "And common sense, you should change your username, password here if not done already"

    As a "hacked" account usually equates to a insufficient password, which simply has been used to log into the account, this is a very sensitive advice. It's very unlikely (not to say impossible) that the account was "hacked". For that to happen, there has to be an exploited vulnerability in NI's account system, and should have happened to a lot of other accounts as well.

    You probably used the same password for other accounts, or the password is very simple, and that is the reason why someone logged into it. Maybe (likely) even someone you know.

  • paul doolan
    paul doolan Member Posts: 16 Member

    "Maybe (likely) even someone you know", now there's a thought. That's where I would look first.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Hey Nikita,

    I see that you submitted a request for support on Saturday, I pinged my colleagues so hopefully they should get back to you today. They'll help you out.

This discussion has been closed.
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