Absynth is dead



  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    As much as I'd love to, I can't read 15 years into the future and nobody can tell you how technology will develop and what will be the impacts. Just like Jeremy mentioned, Absynth 5 was simply removed from the webshop and is still working / can be activated and is supported.

    Whenever we share otherwise, I'm happy to pick up the discussion about what the team is thinking in terms of solutions.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    You are right, nobody knows, what will be in 15 years and therefore it is sound to be prepared for anything to come...

    May NI prepare Absynth (and all other SW) installers without need of authentization now for now supported OSes?

    Issuing such installers, copying it to good media in sealed box and put to safe or better to notary or any other respectable body proofsafes customers almost against any future scenario....

    I do it like that with my customers. If I die by accident, get seriously ill so that I am not able to maintain my SW, customers have the right to get the source code (in my case), so that they may go on with SW development of my programs. It works like that for 25+ years. I am still alive and able to mantain the SW, but one day, may it be in 15+ years or tomorrow, .... there is the end. But customers do not have to worry about it.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited September 2022

    How would anyone including NI know that now?

    And, I highly doubt that they will provide activation free installers. If they wanted to put any more efforts into Absynth, they wouldn't discontinue it.

    I still don't know what all this fuss is about though. Absynth wasn't removed from anyone's account, you can still install it, and you can still activate it. This seems like complaining about rain when the sun is shining.

    And, especially when I have to read that, allegedly, in 2 years, there will be Native Access 3, and nothing can be activated anymore, then I have to laugh a bit. What's next? Flying saucers taking Absynths from your computer?

  • Gibson845
    Gibson845 Member Posts: 39 Member

    it is strange, NI just doesnt consider providing offline installers. Camelaudio and many others can/could do that? NI just doesnt want to. otherwise they would have already. again the "non-legal" scene has no probs with this i guess? but we paying customers do.

    we dont expect a support for lifetime, but to use paid software as long as the OS permits it! nothing more.

    i will write support again and list them all my paid software i cannot use anymore.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    And, especially when I have to read that, allegedly, in 2 years, there will be Native Access 3, and nothing can be activated anymore, then I have to laugh a bit. What's next? Flying saucers taking Absynths from your computer?

    Well, it was not me, who spoke about near future.

    The all fuss is about, that I want use purchased plugins any time in future, 20, 30, 40, ... years later. I have the legal right for that. It is simple as that.

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    Interestingly, some people think that absynth will not be lost in two years, and there is no need to make a fuss about it. But the problem is not at present, but in the future. Ni can't make a definite guarantee, so we are worried, and it is very reasonable, not strange, not naive at all. Because we are purchasers, we have the right to apply for or ask for protection.

    What I want to know is, why should we worry about whether a discontinued tool can bring revenue to the company?

    Where will its revenue be after it stops selling?

    Did you get paid for your previous sales?

    Now the company only needs to provide activation support for it, that's all.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro
    edited September 2022

    That's not correct. As I mentioned earlier, software is subject to change, and, the reasonability of providing a guarantee that a software works for 40 years is pretty questionable. I doubt that any court in this world would rule that a software has to keep working for 40 years. There's no way to even being able to predict that Microsoft or Apple still exist then.

    At the very least, it's unrealistic to assume that you can use a software 30 or 40 years long. OS's change, hardware changes.

    Again, though, Absynth still works, it still can be installed and activated, and I doubt that it will stop to work anytime soon.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 565 Pro

    Just wondering: Can you predict that NI still exists in 2 years, and isn't bankrupt? Can you predict that Apple and Microsoft still exist and do OS's in 10 years?

    If you think there's any guarantees that your softwares work forever, then you're wrong.

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    Whether the operating system and hardware can support for 40 years does not need to be considered. The focus is whether the company selling software can provide 30 or 40 years of activation time. If they can't, I can only consider not buying this software.

  • andalassamXX
    andalassamXX Member Posts: 53 Helper

    I have been observing your speech. I think you have been persuading everyone to give up refutation and accept its death by default. What are your intentions?

    Maybe you don't care, but you can't force us to accept this decision. What you said can't be meaningless, irresponsible and bad.

    So I have never wanted to answer your question.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor
    edited September 2022

    Welp, that helps me. : / I was considering the K14 ult update, as I've picked up every major update to Komplete since 11, but I will never willingly give up Absynth and if I have to stay on K13 for the next 20 years, I guess this is it. There is no way I will lose Absynth, and I am willing to sacrifice a lot of future NI content for it. Fortunately I already have a fairly big environment, so Im good.

    Most other issues that people complain about on these forums are not my same issues, and this is usually a nice feeling, but this time... this is a big deal for me. Personally, I would prefer ALL of the Mac M1 stuff be throw into the trash, and all development resources sent to Absynth, but that is my personal feeling. Im sure almost nobody else feels this way, lol.

    edit: yes, I know it still works for now. No, that doesnt change my opnion. This is a conscious decision made, and so is my own.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    If it is out of support, its only a matter of time before it has an issue that requires patching or workarounds. This isnt about Absynth becoming unusable today, it is the certainty that there will be a day in the future when something kills it, either in the OS environment, VST standards, CLAP, new CPU core architectures, etc.

    This is a bummer day, no matter how you hack it.

  • Milkman
    Milkman Member Posts: 291 Advisor

    There is no "reality" or "certainty" - as if its like the weather - that all software eventually goes out of support in the industry. Either the company making the soft makes a conscious decision to stop updating or releasing new major versions of a title, or they keep updating it. There are many examples of softwares that have been updated / revised 1000s of times, and have been kept in service since the 1990s -- because there was willpower to do so. If someone championed Absynth within the company, it could be overhauled and turned into a new + legacy instrument, but I suppose there are other initiatives that stand to make more profit for the company. Its always about profit, and when profit and passion intersect, it is incidental.

  • Nikal Might
    Nikal Might Member Posts: 32 Member

    Let's say I upgrade from Komplete 13 to 14. Do I lose my Absynth licence? Does this mean that I only own K14 and my previous ownership of K13 is now defunct or do I keep whatever I had in K13 plus whatever new stuff is in K14?

  • djadidai
    djadidai Member Posts: 528 Pro

    Of course you keep what you already have and add what’s new to K14

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