Footswitch cc64

Judson Collins
Judson Collins Member Posts: 43 Member

I have connected the foot switch in Komplete Kontrol, as there is a midi icon etc that leads to adjustments.

However, not the same in Kontakt/Player. (I did have it going yesterday after assigning in Kontrol), today its gone. Not sure where to look.

Kind Regards

Best Answer

  • Judson Collins
    Judson Collins Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 22 Answer ✓

    No, it all 'works'. Test My Midi is always a positive; KK has the option to dial in the pedal Data which I did a few days ago; it has retained it and it works ok; I just had a day yesterday when player and Kontakt would not see the pedal, even though it worked day before. Today it works again.

    Originally, before I had any pedal connectivity, I discovered the ring was on 65; I changed it to 64 and it worked. I've since changed it back to 65 and it still works. It may well be redundant or unwired in my pedal. I might test with a meter if I can figure it out. I'll try it for a few more days to see if its consistent across all three players. I've just spent the evening testing Learn CC menus which are faulty (see another post).



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,434 mod


    what foot switch with what exact keyboard, a few more details could help us to help you.

  • Judson Collins
    Judson Collins Member Posts: 43 Member

    Komplete A49. And a generic made in Taiwan (not China) whatever no-name footswitch.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,434 mod

    Can you open komplete kontrol again and see there, if the setting is correct, tip enabled and set, ring disabled, cause this is shorted with those kind of pedals. Then also use a midi monitor to check the functionality, most daws have something like that or use midiox with windows. Or you at least see the indicator on the kontakt gui.

  • Judson Collins
    Judson Collins Member Posts: 43 Member

    I don't see a disable option. I believe it was there in older versions; I've seen a YT video where the creator did just so and set his KK to disable.

    I have used Test My Midi; sometimes no matter how many times I open various NI players, it does not register the MIDI Komplete A49; opening Test My Midi seems to force the issue, then TH NI players connect.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,434 mod

    You can also try to set the ring to an unused cc like 14. Do I understand you correctly, if you open test my midi and komplete kontrol it works? But not when you open komplete kontrol alone?

  • Judson Collins
    Judson Collins Member Posts: 43 Member
    edited March 22 Answer ✓

    No, it all 'works'. Test My Midi is always a positive; KK has the option to dial in the pedal Data which I did a few days ago; it has retained it and it works ok; I just had a day yesterday when player and Kontakt would not see the pedal, even though it worked day before. Today it works again.

    Originally, before I had any pedal connectivity, I discovered the ring was on 65; I changed it to 64 and it worked. I've since changed it back to 65 and it still works. It may well be redundant or unwired in my pedal. I might test with a meter if I can figure it out. I'll try it for a few more days to see if its consistent across all three players. I've just spent the evening testing Learn CC menus which are faulty (see another post).


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,434 mod

    you can connect switches (also pots but we leave that out) with ring to sleeve and tip to sleeve, stereo jack, but the normal one switch pedal has a mono plug with ring and sleeve shorted, so that can cause issues - at least as far as I found out with my pedal

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