How do I use Session Bass Upright on an existing midi track.

martinsnow Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I'm completely stumped on how to use this instrument on an existing midi track. The manual provided nothing in the way of how to do this. Surely, it's possible to use in the manner.


  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 121 Advisor
    edited March 13

    You just choose an instance of Kontakt, with session bass loaded, as the vst instrument on the midi track.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert

    It is midi instrument just like any other. Setup an instrument track in your DAW with Session Bass Upright as the instrument. Hit record and your DAW will place midi data that will playback the notes from Session Bass

    Not sure what you mean by "existing" track - like one with previous MIDI data on it - placed by another instrument?

    Generally - in today's modern DAWs - each midi track (and the instrument driving it) are separate and distinct tracks - one per instrument.


  • martinsnow
    martinsnow Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm working in protools. I have a bass track, which is midi, and the current instrument is an expand2 bass. When I switched to session bass as the instrument I get no sound.

    Thanks for the input. More is welcome.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,255 Expert

    "Switching"? You would need to explain what that means. (from a Pro Tools angle)

    Usually, a typical DAW can only have one instrument per track - like say Studio One over here - there is no concept of switching.


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