Have you really given up on Reaktor, NI?



  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

    I can understand your approach of merging themes, but since you mentioned that you are a Reaktor creator, you should also understand the feelings of many Reaktor loving users. I just feel that after discussing the same theme for so long, the results still cannot change anything. This is really sad, especially since this theme is a very clear official route plan without mentioning Reaktor at all. What is the significance of our so-called discussion? Perhaps we can assume that Reaktor may not be updated anymore. At most, this forum is just a few people who genuinely love Reaktor discussing some Reaktor technologies, but I think the purpose of the forum is not limited to that. They will also see the issues we are discussing. If they haven't seen it, and not seen it repeatedly, maybe they don't know our urgent desire to change.

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

    I hope the first quarter will be like this. I remember a few years ago, the official response to me was that Reaktor7 would come, but it has been a long time since then.
    And you said that Reaktor will definitely not be given up, but not giving up may just mean that it will not lead to the end of Absynth. I don't want to use this topic to cause the phenomenon that Reaktor is already dead. I just want the official not to deceive us. Year after year, the final result we see may be like the title, even if it changes a little bit. In my opinion, Reaktor can be changed.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod
    edited February 5

    I have the feeling that you do not fully understand the "spirit" of Reaktor.

    Reaktor is not just "another app" (this, you know already!). It is a unique and all time classic masterpiece, such as a Moog synthesizer, or so. Therefore it can not die.

    It doesn't have to be changed, at least its core philosophy. It can, and will be, used as is, for many years to come. It doesn't need to change because it is already perfect!

    Updates are necessary, yes. But its potential and its possibilities are endless! Even if it stays as it is now.

    Lets say now that it needs to be changed, hypothetically:

    Reaktor 7 is not something that can be done in few months. For a real change it requires a complete code rewriting and this is an enormous task that might need years to be done.

    I don't think that NI is trying to fool or deceive us. If i thought so, i wouldn't be a mod here!
    It is just that they have other priorities for the moment, as they created a whole new Universe with the NKS and they also need to "perfectise" the hardware divisions and the related software (Maschine, Komplete etc). Those are also huge tasks. Remember, NI is a big company but it isn't Microsoft, neither has an Elon Musk behind.

    So, i strongly believe that the time for Reaktor will come too! Though i wouldn't expect anything serious for this year, apart maybe 1 or 2 updates. But this is just my own estimation of course.

    Personally i would prefer to wait 2 years and see a perfectly reworked software, rather than have some "quick works" (with all the risk of bugs too) just for having some users satisfied.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited February 6

    I maintain my opinion that there is no more reason to be concerned for the future of Reaktor than there is for Native Instruments as a company. They made a commitment to its future, even if only as it currently exists with no new features, by porting it to Apple Silicon.

    Either the current Reaktor is good enough for you, as it is for me, or it is not. Make all decisions on that basis. If you use it now, keep using it, if you don't, don't. If you're realistically concerned about future proofing everything you do, you can choose to not use it or go back to pre-digital practices where chances were good you could not re-record a part so any new work on an old project uses a rendered recording. For the majority of us this is all we need.

    Beyond that, unless there is an approved project plan for future development – beyond OS updates, which I believe they've committed to by updating for new Macs – within Native Instruments, it would be unwise of them to say anything at this point. Silence leads to speculation, but so does anything they might say. Of the two, the former is generally preferable. E.g.

    a mention saying that Reaktor will be addressed some time in the not too distant future

    will almost certainly lead to (unanswerable) questions such us "what do you mean by not too distant future?" and confusion from the difference between "soon" to an average person and to a company (like at my employer, soon means within the next 12 to 24 months, which is not what anyone I know would consider soon).

    I get that this can be frustrating. But it doesn't have to be. I've been through the experience of software no longer being available to me and losing access to old work multiple times. If it had been important professionally I would have had a plan in place to deal with it after the first time, if not before. But it's not, so I deal with it by going "oh well, time to write something new" or I replace what I lost with a reasonable equivalent if possible (e.g. Exponential Audio reverbs; the music may not sound quite the same but there are many great reverbs and it was easy enough to swap in something else for anything I cared to continue working on).

    I think software has made us forget that before computers were so common, people for as long as anyone can remember made music with hardware that rarely if ever got any major upgrades. Analog synths and drum machines did what they did and you worked with it. Digital synths, drum machines, samplers, etc. got occasional bug fixes, but I don't think feature updates have been common.

    I'm not saying we should go back in time and abandon advances in technology. Only that if people could make music with what they had pre-computers, we can do it with Reaktor as it stands.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited February 5

    Reaktor was put on maintenance status in March of 2023

    Not abandoned but not enhanced.

    Updates and tweaks for major OS changes as required is what it appears.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,433 mod

    A comment of pure gold! Thank you. 🙏

    These days, people tent to forget that, all timeless masterpieces of music history, made with limitations.

    Compare to them (regardless genre), 99% of today's music sounds like children experiment, no matter how technically perfect it may sounds!

    I remember in the 90's, in most professional studios, artists had to write down by hand, on paper, the console settings, because there was no "save" option! So if you wanted to make another track, you had to write down everything, because all your settings would be lost otherwise!

    And it was exactly those limitations who lead them to knowledge and their music to perfection.

    I think it is good to remember this. People talking and complain "i want this, i want that", but the questions is, what are you going to do with this? Where is your music??? Less than 2% of the users here, responded to various musical threads and posted some of their music. And I am perfectly sure that 90% of users have a very limited idea about all the options of their software.


    I've been spending a lot of time in exploring every hidden corner of my software and it's always a real journey. Instead of just skimming the surface, I'm making a conscious effort to really understand all the features and options and how they can enhance my workflow.

    I've realized that constantly asking for specific features, without fully grasping what the software already offers, can be counterproductive. It's easy to get caught up in wanting "this" or "that," but often, the tools we need are already there, just waiting to be discovered. Plus, focusing on hypothetical features can distract from the powerful capabilities already at our fingertips.

    So, my approach is always deep immersion. I'm systematically exploring every function, tutorial, and piece of documentation. This process takes time – sometimes months – but I believe it's a much more effective way to grow further as an artist and as a producer. By thoroughly learning the existing features, I can better understand their potential and even find creative solutions I wouldn't have considered otherwise!

    This approach not only expands my technical skills but also sparks new creative ideas. It's like discovering hidden gems within the software. Instead of chasing after fleeting feature requests, I'm investing in a deeper understanding of my tools, which ultimately leads to a more fulfilling and productive creative process. It's a longer road, perhaps, but I'm confident it will pay off in the long run.

    Thus, focusing on today and on what we already have, is the best option for everyone. Do not waste your time in speculations about the future. The future (and the updates) will come, one way or another, either you ask for them, either you don't. 😉

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,124 Expert

    I would add, that porting Reaktor to AS had to be hard nut for NI and it had to cost big money. Because Reaktor is not just ordinary plugin, it is also compiler to maschine code, so the whole compiler part had to be completely rewritten. Big, big investment…..

    So, if NI has done it, has invested that big money to future of Reaktor, there must be future for Reaktor. Maybe it will stay as is, maybe there will be small updates, maybe bigger updates/upgrades will come…. But either way, it will be supported for years.

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member
    edited February 6

    What I want to emphasize is that my post is not intended to spread any negative emotions. Firstly, I believe that professional software needs to have its own threshold, which cannot be too low, otherwise everyone will come in, and Reaktor happens to be able to achieve this. Secondly, I believe that updating some efficiency enhancing features in Reaktor will not affect its threshold, such as quick connections, vector GUI, etc. I think it's really necessary for me to change these things. So I really hope to see news from Reaktor! Thank you for your reply!

  • KoaN
    KoaN Member Posts: 142 Advisor

    I don't see it that way on my side,actually almost the opposite…it seems Reaktor could come back to life or maybe not but they are studying the options so nothing is set in stone for now.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper

    I think one of the big things they will be analysing is how to keep them around while reducing development time and cost overheads, as any company would. The trouble is it generally leads to compromising of keeping only the most popular products around while deprecating the lowest money earners.

    If you look at this from another angle, I think they decided to reduce the cost of Battery development would be to integrate it as part of Kontakt. Or at least, making a sister app that basically a drum centric version of Kontakt. In anyway, by not developing Battery as an entirely separate plugin they will reduce the costs of making it, and even updating it.

    I can see this happening for Reaktor and its synths. In fact, NI is probably trying to streamline its ability to make new and innovative synths and make it a more efficient process. This might mean keeping Reaktor around, or it might mean ditching it all together if they have come up with with a better method of development.

    I'm not speculating either way, I am just holding off from using Reaktor and its synths until we know for sure. The lat thing I want it to open an old project because I'm working on some kind of sequel or follow up only to find that many of its instruments have been deprecated. That would be a huge nightmare.

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    Cmajor is that.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,031 Guru
    edited February 20

    Is it though? Its been a while, the initial idea and promo presentations were interesting and promised a whole lot. I haven't found much info about commercial products using Cmajor…

    …looking at their site, it is now not connected to Native Instruments:

    The Cmajor project was started in 2021 by Julian Storer and Cesare Ferrari, originally as a collaboration with Native Instruments.

    Cmajor Software Ltd is now an independent UK company.

    The same two guys tried before with a similar language SOUL, that failed. Then they pitched cMajor with great fanfare, with links to (iirc) Sound Stacks? and NI. Now its just their own tiny company without all that industry big boy brand connection. Not a great look for any 3rd party company choosing a platform to commit to!

    Maybe a good fit for some other start-ups to work with.

    Do you really think a juggernaut like NI will get involved to the point where some of their products are completely dependent on a platform owned and controlled by a tiny start-up that they have no control over?

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