Have you really given up on Reaktor, NI?

dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

It's a new year again, what hasn't NI done with Reaktor? At least, the cables operation should provide more convenient features, such as quickly connecting one output to multiple inputs or quickly connecting multiple outputs to multiple inputs, etc., instead of manually connecting them one by one.
I no longer expect it to add any additional, but this feature that can improve efficiency should be indispensable.😔



  • gentleclockdivider
    gentleclockdivider Member Posts: 249 Helper

    Reaktor is end of line

    Gui wise it's still stuck in the early 2000 , the block cables that everyone asked for was just a hack to show the inlets-outlets + draw a cable , this was so compete with other modular offerings .

    In ensemble mode we're still stuck with white cables only , and the dreaded bitmap based environment .

    I love reaktor and will probably keep using it untill my O.S. doesn't support it anymore because it sounds amazing , but there is a reason why a lot of the great reaktor developers have jumped ship long ago .

    The once so great community has literally dried -up , current experienced members can be counted on one hand ( yes you Colb etc.. :) .
    Plug (pure) data , supercollider are free and amazing alternatives , max msp is an expensive alternative , alpha forever is also great

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

    Actually, Reaktor is not bad, but the times have changed, and some of its features can't keep up.
    Of course, the development of Plugdata has been on the rising, but there is no news about SuperCollider. Max must be doing well under the roof of Ableton.
    So I still insist that Reaktor needs to do something in this era, just like the new era of programming developers can't still use simple notepads to write programs, adding these efficient features is still necessary, don't think that Reaktor is too powerful and it's unnecessary, look at the upgrade of other software, maybe they don't add any big features, but they will give priority to things that can improve efficiency.

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor

    This discussion will almost certainly go nowhere. The optimists will say Reaktor hasn't been abandoned, and they will be able to point to the fact that NI has never said it is EOL, unlike other products which are definitively discontinued, and particularly that NI put in the time and money to make it Apple Silicon compatible, which would be wasteful for a product they intend to discontinue in the near future. The pessimists will say it is EOL despite no evidence.

    What we know for sure is that NI's focus is currently not on Reaktor and it is on hold as far as new development goes. What you see is what you get.

    Whether this will mean it becomes EOL in the future is uncertain and there is little point in speculating.

    I will keep using it because it is the basis for many of the instruments I use. Switching to something else means losing those instruments. If I create anything with it myself I will use Reaktor Blocks because I have no interest in going lower level.

    If you want something that is probably future proof and good for low level work, my vote goes to Max, with acknowledgement that I am biased as an Ableton Live user (the close integration scores points there) and because Autechre use it.

  • soundesigner
    soundesigner Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hello, long NI user. Just purchased Reaktor in 2023 and it is amazing piece of software…I think I will keep using it since it provides wide range of sounds I am after…it would be amazing if NI will release new and improved version, but who knows?

  • Gordon23
    Gordon23 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


    Happy new YEAR 25 :D

    after two weeks we should stay alive again.

    Yeah, from the first start i liked it.

    But it confusing me more and more.

    Im owner of only the "reaktor player", but my thought was that im owner of

    "komplete kontrol". So still both demo versions or how i can realy use this great tools.

    and then there kontakt 6-7-8.

    PLEASE i only need one instance of a software. That isnt a smart solution.


    Reaktor is a dead software now?

  • Mutis
    Mutis Member Posts: 504 Pro

    I tried to point hardcore users to this

    The logical step will be porting Reaktor into Cmajor etc etc

    That could explain why Reaktor is in “stand by mode development” but since NI changes its mind more than anything it could be that tomorrow Reaktor gets off from freezer, gets minor changes or whatever or becomes EOL…

    Just look how NI did with Traktor, Maschine3 and plus, …

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

    I looked at NI's 2025 Outlook and didn't see anything about Reaktor.

    This is a sad thing for me.

  • Simon A. Billington
    Simon A. Billington Member Posts: 122 Helper
    edited February 5

    Yes even a mention saying that Reaktor will be addressed some time in the not too distant future will be reaffirming for many off us.

    I'm considering the idea that maybe the reason why they haven't bought up Reaktor at all is because they aren't planning for a future. Since they are already involved in many issues and controversy that they are currently contending with maybe they simply just don't want to add more problems to the list. So they remain silent about it for now.

    Even if these speculations were true, what's to say that they dont change their mind later on. So there is still reason hope. But I would say it's better to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.

  • chk071
    chk071 Member Posts: 563 Pro

    I don't believe that they're dropping it. They have way too many Reaktor instruments to do so. At the very least, it will see small compatibility and GUI updates, to work with future OS's, or higher resolution monitors.

    Unfortunately, people are always very hysterical these days, and, if there hasn't been a significant update for some time, they panic quickly.

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

    It's amazing, I clearly posted a question called 'Where is Reaktor in NI's 2025 Outlook' separately, but now it's being put here by the administrator.😂

    MLARS Member Posts: 253 Pro
    edited February 5

    There are synth products planned for 2025 and 2026 hinted. Question is will it be developed with Reaktor or will we see another DSP being used? The Reaktor 6 icon has not been updated to the new black one, but Battery icon has now (without an update) because it officially has reached end of life. Reaktor not having the updated to the new black icon, this could be a small sign that we may see Reaktor 7 probably in 2026 as part of the next Komplete bundle.

    Still think NI is exploring other DSPs platform too though and Reaktor 7 could be the final big release.

    Personally I am currently more excited over the current Arturia synth products. Maybe NI will win me back in a few years.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,032 Guru

    To be fair,

    Have you given up on Reaktor, NI?


    Where is Reaktor in NI's 2025 Outlook?

    Are fundamentally the same question, just framed slightly differently.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    It was done by me actually. I merged the threads.

    You are continuously posting threads with exactly the same subject, masked under different titles!

    This is cross-posting and double-posting and it is not allowed by forum rules.

    And between us, it is a kind of annoying too ok?
    Saying the same and the same things again and again will not change anything at all.

    That said, I am also a Reaktor user (a creator actually) and i love Reaktor more than anything else related to NI! But, double-posting (or worst, triple etc.) is one step before spamming.

    Please keep that in mind!

    Note: It is a very often case that mods merging posts if and when needed.
    It is a part of the "keeping the forum clean, healthy and in good shape" work.
    We do not have any obligation to inform you about that and this is not debatable.
    I only explained to you as a courtesy to a fellow Reaktorist. 🙏

  • dreason85
    dreason85 Member Posts: 64 Member

    Maybe, but the title of where is Reaktor in NI's 2025 Outlook may be quite obvious, isn't it🤣

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,440 mod

    About your question: It is self-answered.

    If you didn't see anything related to Reaktor in the 2025 Outlook, is because there is nothing to see!

    At least for the first quarter of 2025. But there will be 3 more Community updates this year.

    Trust me, i watch this case very closely and i also have high hopes. But even us mods have no idea about future developments.

    The only thing i can tell you for sure, is that Reaktor will not get abandoned!
    Apart of that, i know nothing

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