How do I sort Massive (not X) presets alphabetically in dropdown menu?

james5272 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

I've renamed the presets of all preset packs with the brand at the start of the preset to make it easier to find in the list. However these presets are not being sorted alphabetically, sometimes not even together (ie. preset with "TF" at the start showing up in 4 different sets in the dropdown list). For reference, I am talking about the dropdown menu on the main page, not from the "Browser" section. As you can see in the screenshot, one example is AUD is coming before Absolute.


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,364 mod
    edited February 18

    Open the Browser and click on the Name tab.

    After that, they will appear alphabetically on the drop down menu too.

  • james5272
    james5272 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    I have two issues with that method:

    1. They still don't show up proper alphabetic. ie. "AUD name" still comes before "Absolute".
    2. The preset names here don't have the preset names I've made to the filenames in Windows File Explorer, but the main dropdown menu has the Windows File Explorer filename names. So my brand+genre preset name affixes aren't showing up in this browser section to be properly sorted. You can see in my screenshot an example for a name I've given the file is "AUD Metal Woofy Bass". In the browser section, it just shows up as "AUD Woofy Bass".
  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,271 mod
    edited February 18

    Renaming the presets in Explorer makes no difference as they are not based on the filename but on the name given them when first saved, which can only be edited in Attributes (and that's also where you can change the author, company, add/change the bank name and tag them)

  • james5272
    james5272 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    What do I edit under attributes to get it sorted alphabetically? It doesn't show me individual presets, just the main folder.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,271 mod
    edited February 18

    Sorry I forgot the attributes editor just edits bank names, company name and author, to change preset name it's save as - but tbh I would consider this more hassle than it's worth. They do sort alphabetically, just not following the filenames but rather the preset names they were given.

  • james5272
    james5272 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Well the thing is they have different affixes set by the company that made the presets, based on what type of preset they are. So under browser, some are under B, some are under S. I'd rather have them all grouped and obvious as to what company + genre they are. In the browser I can search the company name and get only their presets. But it'd be easier to have them all grouped properly, and alphabetically, in the main dropdown menu.

    So being able to rename presets more easily is something NI should implement. I'd contact them directly, but whenever I click the button to try and contact them directly on the support page, it just reloads the homepage without that option and only directs me to the forum. Which is why I posted here.

  • james5272
    james5272 Member Posts: 10 Newcomer

    Sorry for double, didn't see a way to edit.

    "Contact support" didn't work on Firefox or Chrome. Had to use my Android phone. Then the descriptiob section allows a very low amount of text. I hope I never need serious support from this company.

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