Cannot find an installer for TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2 MK2 for TKZ2

_Adam Member Posts: 16 Member

Hello all.

Probably a real simple one to solve. I've bought and paid for TRAKTOR SCRATCH PRO 2 MK2 for TKZ2 but I had to wipe my Mac Before doing so I checked I could access my licence, which I can from my account here, however, what I didn't check is whether the installer was still available.

Well, this is where I'm stuck. I cannot find an installer for it anywhere. Has this been taken offline? Have I now lost access to this product I bought?

Any help appreciated.


Best Answer



  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    The way of installing NI products is Native Access these days. Usually you load Native Access, log in with your account and install your software this way.

    But if you want to install older software (and TSP2 is ancient now) Native Access only offers this if it is supported on your Mac. Traktor (Scratch) Pro 2 was last supported with macOS 10.13 High Sierra. You‘ll need at least Traktor Pro 3 with newer versions of macOS.

    You can find some legacy installers on a support site:ür-ältere-Betriebssysteme

    But you will need a matching version of Native Access for activation.

  • _Adam
    _Adam Member Posts: 16 Member
    edited December 2024

    Hey, thanks for the reply.

    The app worked fine on my MacBook on 15.3 as I was using it yesterday before I reinstalled everything. I just didn't think I would lose access this way, so although it might not be supported, it worked.

    I'll try get a downgrade of Native Access, because the version I have doesn't have it. I assume, from your link, I need to get Native Access 1.10.0 for Traktor 2.11.3 assuming this is the last version of Scratch Pro 2.

    I would upgrade to Pro 4 or whatever the latest version is, but I'm loathed to pay again for a version of software that still, after 10+ years, doesn't support retina screens.

  • _Adam
    _Adam Member Posts: 16 Member

    Okay so I got Traktor installed, but cannot get Native Access working for the life of me, it just refuses to open after installing so I can't remove demo mode. I'll keep trying.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Just out of curiosity I tried to install TSP2 on my Mac Studio running on Sonoma 14.7.2. I was surprised: Even with an error message that installation failed it seems it installed and even runs in demo mode. But Native Access 2 isn't able to activate that copy. Didn't tried further because I don't want to mess up my Native Access installation.

    Wish you good luck but I expect only working solution will be updating to at least Traktor Pro 3. But as you can get TP3 only "used" by now the easiest solution will be to go to TP4 directly.

  • _Adam
    _Adam Member Posts: 16 Member

    yeah I had no problem installing Scratch Pro 2, but I cannot activate my product with my product key because Native Access doesn't recognise it and older versions don't work.

    I've messaged NI so I hope they reply. If the latest version was fully mac compatible I’d upgrade. I’ve been waiting years for a retina version… It’s the only application I have on my mac that is a pixelated mess.

    Fingers crossed.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    Traktor Pro 4 has still no retina support. Reading a bit between the lines in comments of NI staff I am not really expecting it before Traktor Pro 5. of course earlier retina support would be much appreciated.

    But even without retina support Traktor Pro 4 is fully Mac compatible.

  • _Adam
    _Adam Member Posts: 16 Member

    Yeah I know it’s compatible. I just mean the design isn't fitting with the display. Hate seeing everything look so cheap and pixelated given I've not seen pixels on my MacBook for 10+ years and whenever I have to use Traktor I die a little inside.

    That being said, countless emails to NI and I'm being ignored. I cannot get my old software working, despite trying everything, and spending hours doing so (without any help or acknowledgement from NI).

    Does anyone know an easy way to get their attention. I'd buy Pro 5 when it's out, but right now I just want to use my software I paid for.

  • maniacintosh81
    maniacintosh81 Member Posts: 773 Expert

    With you request you can't really expect support by NI anymore. Traktor Pro 2 (including all Scratch and/or Duo variants) is end of life since 2018 and never was officially supported on anything newer than macOS 10.13 High Sierra. And it is at all not supported anymore. Even its sucessor Traktor Pro 3 is end of life and out of support by now.

    Only way I can imagine it could work: Downgrade your MacBook to the lowest version of macOS it is compatible with. If you MacBook is old enough it is possible it is capable of running macOS 10.13 High Sierra. Install Traktor Scratch Pro 2 and try to activate it. Start applying all macOS upgrades again up to Sequoia. I expect that your copy was running on macOS 15.3 just to the fact that it was installed and activated long long time ago on a suiting version of macOS.

    And even that way will be closed off soon as Native Access 1 will be retired soon.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,999 mod

    The app worked fine on my MacBook on 15.3 as I was using it yesterday before I reinstalled everything.

    cannot get Native Access working for the life of me, it just refuses to open after installing so I can't remove demo mode. I'll keep trying.

    That being said, countless emails to NI and I'm being ignored. I cannot get my old software working, despite trying everything, and spending hours doing so (without any help or acknowledgement from NI).

    Does anyone know an easy way to get their attention

    @_Adam , Please supply screenshot of error and confirm computer type and OS version used.

    You might need to run the old N.A. installer and app under Rosetta ?

    ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access. : How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS and disks must be of correct format : Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

    Also then please check that iCloud Private Relay has been turned off : Native Access Error Message: "Download failed" (macOS)

    Also then do not use Clean My Mac.

    And quote Kymeia : if using Sequoia then N.I. apps must be added to the Local Network

    Native Access Error: "Please grant permission to NTK Daemon to install dependencies"

    Native Access Error Message: "Installation Failed" (Mac)

    Native Access Freezes on “Installing Dependencies“ at Startup


    Quote : _Adam : "countless emails to NI and I'm being ignored."

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod
    Answer ✓

    @_Adam Please get in touch with our support through the proper channels:

    If you need help navigating our support system:

    My colleagues should be able to provide installers for Traktor Pro 2, even though it's discontinued. They can also help with your issues with Native Access.

  • _Adam
    _Adam Member Posts: 16 Member

    Thanks, I tried but they told me that Traktor Pro 2 doesn't work on macOS 15 and when I said I had been using it on here I was told it wasn't possible, even though I have been, and literally have my settings file from December when I had to reinstall everything.

    I'll try again, perhaps someone else might be able to help.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,999 mod

    I have no idea if this can work but have you tried installing one of the legacy version and then install an update on top of that ? Also then you might need to run stuff in Rosetta ?, I don't know I don't have a Mac and also have no Traktor.

    Legacy version

    Traktor 2 update (requires log-in.)

    ALL NI apps including NTKDaemon must have full disk access. : How to Enable Full Disk Access on macOS and disks must be of correct format : Notes on Network Drives and Disk Formats

    Also then please check that iCloud Private Relay has been turned off : Native Access Error Message: "Download failed" (macOS)

    Also then do not use Clean My Mac.

    And quote Kymeia : if using Sequoia then N.I. apps must be added to the Local Network

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Was it in the chat? I can't find a request from you in our system, do you have a request number i could check?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,848 mod

    Here is the latest version I could find: TRAKTOR PRO 2.11.3

    Hopefully this works. We can't guarantee it will 100% work on a current MacOS.

  • _Adam
    _Adam Member Posts: 16 Member

    This is the error I get when I try to install it.

    I have an old Native Access installed and working, version 1.14.1 — I added my serial and it say 'you'll be able to download your product from the 'not installed' tab, but they never show. When I try to instal Traktor Pro 2 Traktor_2_211_Mac I get the above error.

    NTKDaemon has full disk access. There are no requests for local network access, and I cannot manually add an app to this list. iCloud private relay is switched off.

    My Mac is Intel so I don't need Rosetta (this is for silicon based Macs)

    At this point, with the time spent, I might just concede to NI and buy TP4 and be done with it. Thanks for trying.

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