Over Half My NI Library Needs Repair



  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    • UPDATE

    We have apparent success with Maschine Expansions. Still 26 (download, reinstall) to go and then actual field tests to ensure everything is as it should be inside Maschine 3, Logic Pro, Kontakt 8… etc.

    Is there some Achievement for troubleshooting your own forum post???

    But seriously, I can't figure out how my drive was renamed and who the culprit is? Or, more importantly, what set of random circumstances warranted such behavior by an update or other situation?

    Putting a '1' behind something, usually in programming algos, I'm pretty sure, is a way to keep track of multiples. Perhaps at some point, my Mac mini, initiated by some process, mirrored my drive??? causing grounds to create a mirrored drive with same name only adding a '1' at the end? Then, somehow, the original is gone, or still around as a ghost in my machine since some of my NI content was unaffected and still can locate the originally named drive in its original location?

    I have no idea? I'm so perplexed! But, at least I think I've it all figured out and working. One more update after field tests.

    @Jeremy_NI Hello - just wanted to bring this thread to your attention as I know some other users have had content go 'missing' after an update. It took most of the day, but I believe I may have cracked the shell. Apparently, my external drive was renamed (somehow???) which houses all of my NI content (1.5TB) making Native Access brick most of my library. I tried to detail most of what I encountered here. Happy to elaborate if you find it warranted.

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    Yes! Thanks!! I was able to fix a good portion of (just shy of half) the initial issues using the Native Access bulk action command options. The other, I had to manually point NA to the folder where the .nicnt files were located. I think a review of the script/code for Native Access' SEARCH function when running these bulk action commands may help. Not a programmer but, logic does not escape me…. most of the time.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    I edited my post, because I saw you were talking about Expansions.

    And now I’m too confused and tired to recall if the Relocate function has already been implemented for Expansions…😂

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    Another dumb question that I’ll probably edit because, just after having posted it, my mind will recall the answer: why not simply rename the drive back to its previous name? If I recall correctly, it’s possible even on Mac

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor
    edited February 8

    Not silly at all. Some of my NI library is still referencing the Content Drive while the other that was not working needed to see it as its new name… or something to that effect…?

    I don't honestly know, but if you notice the picture in one my first posts, my drive is named Content Drive and only when I expanded the Name & Extension tab did I notice the little bitty '1' giving me such guff.

    So, the drive effectively has 2 names where Native Access is concerned with certain content insisting its with a '1' and others insisting its without.

    Its like a veritable Mandela Effect in my NI library.

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor
    edited February 8

    It was some libraries as well as VSTs and FX. I didn't make a list, but it was a vast majority of the KU14CE as well as some content I had previously.

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 8

    Some of my NI library is still referencing the Content Drive while the other that was not working needed to see it as its new name

    That’s the weirdest part of all of your issue 😶

    If the drive has been renamed, how can some of them still be found under the old name?

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 8

    my drive is named Content Drive and only when I expanded the Name & Extension tab did I notice the little bitty '1'

    Can drives be partitioned on Mac too? Could this be what (strangely) happened during OS update? One partition keeping the original name, the other being renamed with a 1

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    Anything is possible at this point. I did have to manually uninstall and reinstall fresh a dozen or so Expansions after the initial pass. At this point, I'll do one more cross comparison between my Maschine Library and Native Access Library to ensure all is present and accounted for. But alas, its fight night and my boy Sean Strickland is gonna bring that belt back home tonight so, I'll get back at it in the morning.

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 180 Advisor

    You can try this…

    Eject all drive / volumes and reboot your Mac computer. Make sure your external SSD storage is formatted as GUID-APFS format.

    Attach your “Content Drive” drive, and check the volume name is correct on the Desktop with no extra spaces in front on behind the name.

    Run Native Access, ignore all Repair warnings for the moment if there are, and check that the Content location setting is correctly set. Refresh Native Access browser view (or quit and rerun Native Access again).

    While still in Native Access, use the Repair feature for all the items with the warnings. You should be good to go after that.

    Do note if this occurs again, always reboot your Mac computer first. Also, make sure to eject your “Content Drive” drive properly—this issue is related to this and/or after waking up your Mac after it went to sleep for quite a while (you can Google if you want to know more).

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Oh, there was an issue with numbered hard drive causing issues with Native Access in the past and it was fixed a couple of updates ago. I actually experienced it and can confirm the issue was fixed and was slightly diffrent. @Mert_NI Maybe you can look into that?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited February 10

    Sorry my friend, I only saw your quote now.

    I had an issue of NA2 seeing one of my external drive as it had a number at the end when it did not, I dont quite remember the details but it wasn't just NA, parts of MacOS also saw it like that while other parts did not, some shenanigans related to APFS, its complicated containers structure or whatever…
    Since i have many externals it's possible at some point i connected two with the same name and that might have caused the issue, idk…. But I would not advise using the same name with just an integer at the end as it seems MacOS itself can do that temporarily in rare scenarios.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    I think this is where the drive doesn't get unmounted properly by the OS, so the old mountpoint sticks around in \Volumes. Then when it tries to mount the drive again, it can't use the original mountpoint so sticks a 1 on the end

    Its a Mac bug, not Native Access:


  • ekwipt
    ekwipt Member Posts: 39 Member

    I've had the same problem and it's not Native Instruments fault, it's the way MacOS ejects external disks. It happens when MacOS goes to sleep, like when you close the lid on your laptop. The cheapest and most reliable solution, is to download Raycast (if you haven't used it you should get into it has a bunch of great tools) and is free for home users.

    In Raycast there's. a shortcut for Eject disks, EVERY time you put your Mac to sleep, you need to eject your external disks.

    Normally when i'm about to start using anything that's on my external I run disk Utility, go down to my external disk an make sure it has the correct number (example External_1 not external 1_1) ottherwise you have to restart your Mac and it should fix up itself.

  • victorp.sg
    victorp.sg Member Posts: 180 Advisor
    edited February 11

    Yes, this issue is peculiar to macOS.

    All volumes are normally mounted in "/Volumes"; for example, when a volume or external storage named "MyDiskVolume" is connected, macOS will mount it with a pathname "/Volumes/MyDiskVolume" and display a volume/disk icon named "MyDiskVolume". All apps will then be able to access the contents of the volume or external storage via the pathname. When the volume or external storage is then ejected properly and successfully, macOS will then remove "MyDiskVolume" in "/Volumes" and then from the Desktop.

    Most of the time, even if the volume or external storage was forcibly or unproperly ejected, macOS will still be able to remove the name from the "/Volumes" path and then from the Desktop.

    However, on very few occasions and especially when your Mac computer is in sleep mode, your external storage may suddenly and briefly lost connection (perhaps a brief drop in power? Just my speculation), and then quickly reconnect again. When macOS detects the lost connection, it briefly wakes up to try to do cleanup and remove the external storage name. While in the midst of performing the process and by a stroke of bad timing, if macOS already clears some registers and flags (including the macOS Desktop name) to tell the system the external storage is no longer connected, and before it can clear the external storage name from "/Volumes", the external storage reconnects and the process is aborted, leaving the name as is. macOS will then perform the mounting process, but alas, the pathname "/Volumes/MyDiskVolume" is still present as a stub, so in order not to conflict with this name, macOS will then mount the external storage as "MyDiskVolume 1", accessible as pathname "/Volumes/MyDiskVolume 1" but the Desktop name will still remain the same. (Why a number? When you create a folder on macOS Desktop, it will default to "untitled folder". If you choose this name, and created another folder on macOS Desktop, it will default to "untitled folder 2", and so on. I have no idea why the number is "1" instead of "2" for the volume or external storage name when mounted in "/Volumes".)

    Anyway, this is my logical deduction and opinion as I am unable to locate actual technical details on what goes on behind the mount and unmount processes in macOS.

    The solution if you suddenly see a " 1" prefix in the pathname after "/Volumes/" is to simply reboot your Mac computer.

    Why the external storage briefly losts connection is still a mystery to me, but I believe it has to do with the chipset-firmware used on USB Hubs and external storage enclosures interacting with one's Mac computer.

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