Midi feedback in maschine mk2

iol Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

I'm using my maschione mk2 as a midi controller, but I can't configure it to receive the midi from the automations that I've written.
I mean, I can use it to write, perfect, but then I don't see the automations or the midi that I've written played on the pads, knobs or buttons.
I think this is called midi feedback.
I work with Logic. I've also tried with the Controller editor...
Thank you very much!

Best Answer

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    Answer ✓

    assuming the mk2 is operational

    then you need to make the channels and midi messages match the channels that Logic is outputting.. and also make sure your "logic track" is outputting midi to the maschine midi device


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    i dont know what you were expecting in terms of feedback??

    does your computer/laptop monitor not provide sufficient feedback information?

    btw… how were you envisaging your maschine mk2 to provide the feedback?? via LED's?? or perhaps in text form??

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,938 Expert

    I don’t think he is talking about something visual

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    edited February 5

    i see…

    it wasnt entirely clear whether it was referring to midi feedback on the controller… or having the automation written into Logic..

    if that be the intent of the OP…

    a virtual midi port needs to be created,

    then the virtual midi out then ties from Maschine midi-out (ticked)

    the receiving midi virtual port "input" within logic, needs to be armed with automation "write" at the ready

    this is all assuming the automation & CC's are transmitted out of maschine. Trial & Error

    *edit … ok..i tried outputting the automation from within maschine, to feed the automation into my DAW i use(reaper)… and although i couldnt get it to work correctly in order that the automation is printed on the Reaper Track,

    it seems the midi signals for the automation is passing from maschine through the virtual port and correctly registering the automation values on a midi monitoring app/vst

    so in theory it works.. YMMV

  • iol
    iol Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thank you very much for your answers!

    I'll be a little more specific.

    When you use the specific maschine software, all the programming you do has a midi return to the controller. If you program a rhythm, or do automation, when you play it you see how the pads or the knob indicators light up, etc.

    However, when I use the controller without the maschine software, that is, as a midi controller, I don't have this return. And I would like to be able to solve it because it would be very useful for me.

    thanks and hugs!

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro

    i see what you are saying…

    let me get this straight….

    you want to use the maschine mk2 in midi-mode, to make it control Logic and have midi feedback when using functions within Logic!

    i suppose the first question is your maschine mk2 lit up when in midi mode… if the mk2 is not lit up then you still need to establish the connection

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,938 Expert

    So… in the end it was a visual thing ☺️

  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 816 Pro
    Answer ✓

    assuming the mk2 is operational

    then you need to make the channels and midi messages match the channels that Logic is outputting.. and also make sure your "logic track" is outputting midi to the maschine midi device

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