2025 Outlook For Traktor?

Notanon Member Posts: 15 Member


I noticed the general update for Maschine, Komplete etc in the NI News section, but there was nothing regarding Traktor at all. Aside from the lack of information, I found it slightly disconcerting that when I asked about it, there hasn't been a forthright answer.

While yes, I recognise that this is suited for the Traktor forum as well, having it brushed it aside in the NI News area feels a bit offputting. In light of this, can we expect a proper outlook for this year soon?


  • Ejub Petrovac
    Ejub Petrovac Member Posts: 42 Advisor
    edited February 3

    Greetings NI, it's been 3+ months without any news or any significant update. Is there any info?

  • mediK
    mediK Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited February 6

    I don't think we're getting any news at this time. There was a community update but no Traktor info.

  • Ejub Petrovac
    Ejub Petrovac Member Posts: 42 Advisor
    edited February 6

    I do not think the "2025 outlook" that you're probably referring to was a "community update" because every community update touched on pretty much everything regarding NI (including Traktor). Let's hope I'm not wrong here 🤞

  • mediK
    mediK Member Posts: 35 Member
    edited February 6

    I hope so too. I was really hoping for some news to be honest.

  • Nobbi
    Nobbi Member Posts: 56 Helper
    edited February 6

    I Think the next step is a new F1 as an updated modular gear in the row.
    No innovative steps in the software, but only new (old) gears and software with updated designs.
    I am really missing a great step in innovating the s4 with a tall step in realtime-stems or browser handling or a new modern face on the screen …. please gon on NI

  • Darren of London
    Darren of London Member Posts: 18 Member

    Personally I think they should fix their remix decks before even thinking about an F1 mk2, as things stand I'm considering selling my F1 as a bad purchase choice, it's been useless for live sets, having a sample play as a loud buzzing sound that requires a reset of the deck to fix, is a bad look, and that's just the tip of the iceberg regarding remix decks, they're a mess. Stems are also sub par, few tracks actually convert to stems of a usable quality, so I wouldn't recommend getting an F1 for stems either.

    TBH the whole pro 4 software still needs a lot of work bugs, before I would consider purchasing any new traktor hardware, the hardware is useless without reliable software.

    It's also not a bad idea to communicate with your customers exactly what you're working on software wise, especially with regards to bug fixes, this is supposed to be professional software, we pay you good money for that pro software, you could at least show us you care that we have a good experience using your product, NI haven't said a word regarding traktor this year.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,202 mod

    Mostly true. For Remix Deck (and F1) use, go back to TP3.11.1 for now (in Backup folder, or installer can be requested by NI or other users.)

  • Notanon
    Notanon Member Posts: 15 Member

    I guess the bug fixes mentioned for Traktor Pro 4 and improvements to the Z1 Mk2 are as close as we're getting to a 2025 Outlook for Traktor for this year then, aside from any potential new hardware that is under wraps.

    @Kaiwan_NI Thank you for the update in the newer thread that was split off from the NI News thread. That said, it might be best to at least have some mention of what's going on in a future 2026 Outlook thread next year for Traktor as part of the Maschine/Komplete/etc collective outlook if it's going to be posted in the NI News category, but that might be more feedback for @Chris_NI to take on board going forward.

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