2025 Outlook: Maschine, Kontrol, and NKS Hardware Partnerships



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,374 mod

    I certainly hope not. I think this is more a question of making the Maschine MIDI sequencer compatible with recorded MPE/Poly AT. Without that, just adding PolyAT support would mean you could play it but do very little else with it.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    Means it will not work with maschine+ stand alone, you have to use the maschine 3 software and control it via maschine+ in controller mode.

  • rrahim
    rrahim Member Posts: 22 Member

    I'm excited about the Akai stuff. Especially since they dropped support for VIP.

    I wish we could get some of the features VIP had though, specifically the great Rack presets among supported 3rd party plugins.

    Also, it would be great if the Alesis keyboards could get NKI integration as well (specifically the VX-49)

  • Pipe Dreams
    Pipe Dreams Member Posts: 4 Member

    For an old school guy - the concept of firmware updates vs. having to buy new hardware everytime there are improvements is pure joy. Not wanting to be picky…. in addition to my KK S88 Mk3, I just bought a Novation SL61 Mk3 (for a variety of reasons). I see planned templates for the SL49 but not for the 61 version…. and not having dug into templates yet - not sure if this will be an issue for me - or just a little extra setup work,

  • Dolan43
    Dolan43 Member Posts: 1 Member

    I am also disappointed with the lack of plans for KOMPLETE KONTROL. The hardware is so expensive and the rewards are not commensurate with the outlay. There are MANY improvements that can be done. Why not ?

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,332 mod

    The keyboard size doesn't matter of everything else is the same, of all controls and so on are the same and they are on the sl49/sl61 so it will work.

  • BIF
    BIF Member Posts: 1,080 Guru

    I dislike firmware updates, and here's why:

    Firmware updates can and do fail. If you can restart the update and have it successfully apply, then that's fine. But half the time (or more often), a borked update will also result in a brick'd device.

    I get it, I still do firmware updates for my Roland and Yamaha keyboards, I do them for my computer motherboards, I apply them to my SSD drives in 4 different computers, and I do them for my KK MK3 controller.

    But once the warranty period has expired (anywhere from 90 days to 1 year from the date of purchase), 100% of the risk associated with firmware updates is now on the shoulders of the end-user. A brick'd device through no fault of the end-user is now HIS RESPONSIBILITY to replace, and usually at full cost. Meanwhile, a software update is only 10% to 50% of the cost of the new version, and usually comes with a lot less risk.

    I'm just surprised that European law has not tried to address this issue. They sure do seem to be concerned about everything else, that's for sure.

  • travtek
    travtek Member Posts: 16 Member

    Greetings @Chris_NI,

    Thank you very much for the update. No that I'm the minority in these comments as I only work with Kontrol S88 Version MK III hardware, and a lot of NI sample libraries.

    I hope my comments are channeled in the correct post for bugs and wishes.

    In today's market the User Experience (UX) is EVERYTHING.

    I have no problem with Komplete Kontrol for my MIDI keyboard and use it exclusively with no other MIDI synths or keyboards in use and I see the updates. In terms of Audio inputs via MIDI, I use a Presonus Quantum ES2 for vocals.

    For my S88 MK: It took my quite a long time to figure out the minimum power requirements for a USB Type C power adapter to be sufficient. Know that I have a dozen USB power adaptors designed for USB Type C.

    WHile there is mention being allowed to used a USB Type A connection to Type C, I never found it to take on the power consumption task. Type C to Type C with a specific Power requirement must be made obvious in the attention paperwork. It's bad enough that one needs very good lighting and a magnifying glass just to read the power adaptor in terms of voltage, amps, watts, etc. Plus the USB Type C cable can be the bottleneck not delivering all the power the power adaptor says is capable.

    The second thing about my MK3 is a wish list item. Please make the UN-fixed velocity setting up to 50 - 100 percent softer. When you've played on weighted keys for decades, the Fatar action keyboard (stiffness) can be brutal, making it harder to get those trills to play out of fingers 4 and 5. Getting softer response in those keys makes the notes more dynamic.

    Next is Native Access and Kontakt 8.

    I have a couple of Vir2 sample libraries from way back before I discovered Native Instruments (version 4). Only one of the two of the Vir2 libraries I own 'appears' in Kontakt 8 using the default library listing. In order to see it, I have to change the view to 'classic' mode. The library sample brand is Electri6ity.

    Also, Native Access shows it's installed and version 1.0. I have updated to the most recent version, but Native Access still indicates version 1.0.

    Please ensure that backwards compatibility is a priority for these older NKS products for your third-party vendors. The Vir2 product still sells for what I paid for nearly a decade ago, and I'd like to use it. But I have to jump through fiery hoops to make it active in either Kontakt 8 or Komplete Kontrol's software.

    I hope this is well received.

    Peace and Love,


  • Don Michael Jr.
    Don Michael Jr. Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I really would love if I could control Logic from my Maschine the same way I can with my KKmk2. I don't think it makes sense that I have to go into a special midi mode just to trigger the drums on Logic or any other DAW from Maschine. Why can't I press the play button on Maschine and control the transport of my DAWs? Please make a Maschine plugin that just accesses the drums and effects without the sequencer. It would have to be the rarest of conditions that someone would open up Maschine inside their DAW to use the Maschine sequencer for their drums. It's still not the easiest sequencer to use, I feel like theirs a ton of opportunity for WAY better integration.

  • jazz_fan
    jazz_fan Member Posts: 7 Member

    Any update on when we can see a fix for Komplete Kontrol 3.x.x crashing Reaper?

  • Tom Collins
    Tom Collins Member Posts: 127 Advisor

    Hi Mike,

    Would it help you to adjust the velocity curve to one of the softer presets? Here from the manual:

  • Super8boy
    Super8boy Member Posts: 138 Advisor

    I thought Native instruments didn’t support Repear native integration with that new range of keyboards or even kk3? Hopefully they change their mind. My reaper friends have all sold or sent back their native instruments controllers out of frustration

    DIRK ROMBAUTS Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Dear Chris,

    Nice to read your message but would you please look at bug KBDSW-7859 and finally solve it.....


  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor
  • HugoClubs
    HugoClubs Member Posts: 99 Advisor
    edited February 3
This discussion has been closed.
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