Beat not in sync with visuals

shepnic Member Posts: 9 Member


I recently had Traktor Pro installed on a laptop and when I loaded any tracks from Beatport, I could just play them immediately and they were synced. I created mixes with comments on each track so I knew where to start each one etc.

I've a new laptop and installed Traktor Pro again, and it's a mess. I've tried mixing previously complete mixes again, but they're always out.

The issue I think is that the visuals don't match the beats. In the visual below, this is where the beat hits, not at the start of the block as it should be. Obviously this is an issue when beat matching.

When loading tracks, this is what is selected by default.

Does anyone have any ideas? Why don't the visuals match the beats?

Thanks for any help.

Best Answers



  • shepnic
    shepnic Member Posts: 9 Member

    Just another one as an example. This position is the downbeat for this track!

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert
    edited January 27

    First one looks good, it's it drifting of later on?

    If the downbeat is wrong you need to change it.

    There has been no changed to the bpm / grid detection in the last couple of years. So an older version would grid it the same.

  • shepnic
    shepnic Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks for coming back so quick. It's not drifting, it's out from the start.

    Downbeats used to hit on the flat side of the visual on the white marker (shown with arrows below) but now they hit afterwards. In this case of this track it's actually where the smaller purple blob is. It's the same for all tracks but they used to load correctly, so it's something new and not track related.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    The first track you posted does not have a 1st beat marker or any beat marker, it only has the transient beats that Traktor Pro sees so you can only manually beat match with those track, old school style. Sync will not work with any track without a beat marker.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 284 Pro

    Do you have "Analyze new tracks when loading into deck" unticked? (File Management in preferences)

  • shepnic
    shepnic Member Posts: 9 Member

    Ah yes. This was because I was messing about with it to see if I could fix the issue.

    This is it when loaded with the downbeat happening at the first purple spike.

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 119 Advisor

    What buffer size have you got in your audio settings? What is the reported latency?

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert
    edited January 28

    If I remember I can try to take a look at those tracks later, but from just the screenshot the beatgrid looks correct.

    But like I said, nothing has changed with how Traktor analyzes the tracks.

    Is the problem that the grid is not correct, the one / downbeat not correct, or that they don't stay in sync with other tracks?

  • shepnic
    shepnic Member Posts: 9 Member

    The problem is that visually it looks like the beats should be at the large spikes, and this is also what Traktor is assuming when it does the beat grid. But that's not where they are.

    So when playing another track and then mixing another in, it's not starting at the beat. So there are two things - beat not starting in the correct place, and visually the beat isn't showing correctly.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,873 Expert

    Then you probably have to change the grid manually for those tracks.

  • BJQ1972
    BJQ1972 Member Posts: 119 Advisor
    edited January 28 Answer ✓

    You aren't using Bluetooth headphones, are you? Bluetooth causes high latency, so Traktor will play the music and there'll be a significant delay before it reaches the headphones.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert
    edited January 28

    Yes, WH-CH520 are Sony wireless headphones!

    Also a buffer size of zero is going to be a problem, regardless. There has to be a buffer. No sample rate shown either…

    @shepnic use wired headphones or speakers and your issue will vanish.

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