product missing in NI-Account

graumann Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

I bought Komplete 15 Ultimate via Best Service. I can use all libraries and instruments, tehy are all visible in Native Access, but they don't show up on my NI-Account so I can't upgrade my products (e.g. valves to valves pro).

Best Answer


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Hmm. That does not make sense as what you see onscreen within Native Access ARE the products in your NI Acct.

    And when you say "I can use all libraries and instruments" - are you saying "old" stuff - OR this new stuff you just bought.

    NA is basically a mirror of the acct with the ability of course to install the product.

    If you are seeing one thing in NA and another when you actually login to your NI acct via a web browser - something is way off.

    Did you receive a K15 serial number to register within NA from Best Service? I have purchased a few NI things over the years from third party sellers and they always provide a serial that must be entered into NA - which then of course transfers to your NI acct.


  • graumann
    graumann Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Yes, there's something really strange goning on.

    I received a serial number from Best Service, I installed everything and I can see it in Native Access and use it without problems.

    But in my NI-Account - which is up-to-date with all products I bought before (a lot…), Komplete 15 doesn't show up. I didn't receive the voucher, I can't upgrade any new product.

    Trying to get a support ticket brings me in an eternal loop of the support start page and the 'log in'-request.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    I sense that perhaps you believe there will be some “product” named Komplete 15 should show up in NA.

    There won’t be anything like that. Just the products that comprise K15

    I will guess you are already seeing your entire product mix.

    Any vouchers that may be part of a K15 purchase will come via email. You will not see vouchers in your NI account.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    He does say that "they" don't show up - in his account. They show in Native Access.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Well - I do not believe that is possible as Native Access - gets it's direct marching orders from the NI Acct. There is no other way to populate NA.

    I still think the OP is expecting some magical "Komplete 15" to show - which of course it will not.

    So in this case - either he has two NI accounts or something else is seriously messed up on his machine.


  • graumann
    graumann Member Posts: 3 Newcomer


    thanks for your thoughts. Here some information to get the thing right:

    I‘m using NI products for more than 20 years now and bought all of the Komplete Series, starting from the first one. So I wouldn‘t look for the Magic 15 😁.

    I‘m sure that my problem is quite unique; I contacted Best Service support and I I think they can help.

    It‘s just the way I wrote above: I see e.g. Alicia Key‘s Electric Piano (part of Komplete 15 Ultimate) in my NI Access, I can play it without problems. But when I go online to my NI Account, everything I bought is visible except the Komplete Bundle.

    I received a confirmation mail by NI including the voucher, but the voucher does‘nt have a code.

    So something just went wrong with the license transmission from Best Service and NI - some algorhythm had a bad day. I‘ll tell you if it‘s fixed and what was the cause of the trouble.

    Greets from Hamburg

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Here is what I see in my account when it comes to my recent "Komplete" products:

    You will never see the actual "products" (like Alicia Key‘s Electric Piano) FROM a bundle listed separately.

    The entire bundle should appear in a single entry similar to the above.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    Please get in touch with our support to clear this out, if you haven't already:

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