Maschine+ Polysynth click noise on note on/note off

Daniel jay
Daniel jay Member Posts: 50 Member

Hi there.

When the amp release is not completely closed from a previous played note there are weird clicks appearing. Setting the release to 0 also gives the click sound when releasing a held note.

The Electric Piano patch from the factory library maken this very noticable for instance. The first note played seems free of the click, but after a couple they Will start appearing on my Maschine plus.

The click sound is like noise as If cpu is spiking .It really sounds like something that should not be there imo. changing the attack of the amp envelope soften it a bit but its still there.

my question is If anybody else noticed this. Its not an issue with the patch in particular I think. But its the one I noticed it with before posting Here.



Best Answer

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for providing that information.

    I was able to provoke the clicks when playing overlapping chords. After playing around with the attack, release and voices, I think it happens due to voice stealing and/or when the amp envelope is suddenly closed by the next note.

    Not sure whether this can be considered a bug.


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Please list the exact versions of your Maschine+

    • Maschine OS
    • Maschine Software
    • Firmware

    Does this happen if you have nothing else but the Polysynth in your project, or are there other sounds running like audio loops?

  • Daniel jay
    Daniel jay Member Posts: 50 Member


    system version is
    Maschine version is 2.17.5 (R0)
    Firmware is 0.1.9

    it happens when nothing else is loaded or running. CPU swings netwerk 5 and 7 percent.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    Answer ✓

    Thank you for providing that information.

    I was able to provoke the clicks when playing overlapping chords. After playing around with the attack, release and voices, I think it happens due to voice stealing and/or when the amp envelope is suddenly closed by the next note.

    Not sure whether this can be considered a bug.

  • Daniel jay
    Daniel jay Member Posts: 50 Member


    Thank you for taking some time to check it out. I was thinking the same about the sudden closure of the envelope to cause the click.

    Im also not sure about it being a bug.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    If you can replicate the clicks in Maschine (2.17) on the desktop, it’s definitely not a bug of Maschine+.

  • Daniel jay
    Daniel jay Member Posts: 50 Member

    It happens on the desktop version as well though in version 2.17.4 since i cant update further. (OSX 10.15 Catalina). I remember earlier versions doing this too.

    So if its a bug it's a general one for maschine 2 software in general, not Maschine+ specific.

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