possible to have X fader track start feature or midi map?

Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

Im transitioning form Djay pro to Traktor pro 4 and Its been a learning curve. In some ways I prefer Djay pro for its IOS similiar usability simplicity. I have gotten used to also using the crossfader to mix in track, so as I hit the crossfader the track starts playing. I have an S2 MK3 is this doable>



  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Need more info about what the crossfader does exactly.

  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Id like to have the track start playing when I move the cross fader over slowly to the other deck.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Starts right away when you move it from the 0% (far-left) and 100% (far-right)

    Deck A plays if the crossfader is anywhere in between value 0% and 99%.

    Deck B plays if the crossfader is anywhere in between value 1% and 100%.

    This could be done by mapping the Play/pause command to your crossfader - but first you need to map a global midi fader and then output the values via virtual midi cable into a secondary mapping device. This needs to be done because the crossfader won't accept button bype of controls in the default mapping.

  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Thank you, thats what I had started to sumize. So I could in essence use virtual midi device on mac to input the midi commands. I then what ? capture the commands of the play pause and feed that into the x fader?

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 350 Pro
    edited January 12

    I created something like this as a little QML exercise for the S3 a while ago.πŸ˜‹
    Maybe you can do something with that

      AppProperty { id: play_1; path: "app.traktor.decks.1.play"; }
      AppProperty { id: play_2; path: "app.traktor.decks.2.play"; }
      AppProperty { id: play_3; path: "app.traktor.decks.3.play"; }
      AppProperty { id: play_4; path: "app.traktor.decks.4.play"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignLeft_1; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.1.xfader_assign.left"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignLeft_2; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.2.xfader_assign.left"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignLeft_3; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.3.xfader_assign.left"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignLeft_4; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.4.xfader_assign.left"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignRight_1; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.1.xfader_assign.right"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignRight_2; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.2.xfader_assign.right"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignRight_3; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.3.xfader_assign.right"; }
      AppProperty { id: xfaderAssignRight_4; path: "app.traktor.mixer.channels.4.xfader_assign.right"; }
      AppProperty { id: deckIsLoaded_1; path: "app.traktor.decks.1.is_loaded"; }
      AppProperty { id: deckIsLoaded_2; path: "app.traktor.decks.2.is_loaded"; }
      AppProperty { id: deckIsLoaded_3; path: "app.traktor.decks.3.is_loaded"; }
      AppProperty { id: deckIsLoaded_4; path: "app.traktor.decks.4.is_loaded"; }
      property int xfader: 0
      AppProperty { path: "app.traktor.mixer.xfader.adjust";
         onValueChanged: {
    	   if (value < .95 && xfader == 1) {
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_1.value && xfaderAssignLeft_1.value) play_1.value = true;
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_2.value && xfaderAssignLeft_2.value) play_2.value = true;
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_3.value && xfaderAssignLeft_3.value) play_3.value = true;
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_4.value && xfaderAssignLeft_4.value) play_4.value = true;
    	   if (value > .05 && xfader == 2) {
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_1.value && xfaderAssignRight_1.value) play_1.value = true;
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_2.value && xfaderAssignRight_2.value) play_2.value = true;
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_3.value && xfaderAssignRight_3.value) play_3.value = true;
    	     if (deckIsLoaded_4.value && xfaderAssignRight_4.value) play_4.value = true;
    	   if (value == true) xfader = 1
    	   else if (value == .0) xfader = 2
  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    That looks like what Im looking for. How do I go about using it is there a QML file I need to add this code to or over write etc? Im not super experienced at editing Mapping files. TY!!

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 350 Pro
    edited January 12

    upload your S2MK3Mixer.qml hereπŸ™‚

    edit: I made the code better again.
    The decks only start at >5% or <95% xfader.

    sorry for my bad english

  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Thanks, really appreciate it!

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 350 Pro

    Here is the modified file.πŸ™‚

  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member
  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Works exactly as i wanted.Now if this fader on the S2 MK3 want such a plasticy POS. Came from a old school Vestax VCI-1000 to this and aside from some newer tech the Vestax is a far better machine. Cheap feelig pitch fader and x faders. Oh well.

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 350 Pro
    edited January 13

    nice that it works as intendedπŸ™‚

    the software and the controllers are overrated, the main thing is that the speakers really pop😜😁

  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    😎 Yes sir!. Seperate question. I have a DC power supply Im got for this however when I plug it in I cant tel it does anything. Is there an indication that it is working??

  • pixel
    pixel Member Posts: 350 Pro

    1.) disconnect the S2 from the usb port
    2.) disconnect the S2 from DC power supply
    3.) Hold down buttons [SYNC]+[KEYLOCK] (right deck), while holding down the buttons [SYNC]+[KEYLOCK], connect the controller to the DC power supply

    If you start the setting "Adjusting the Jog Wheel Sensitivity" everything is good.

    On the S3, all LEDs start in a small animation if there is no USB connection and I connect the DC power supplyπŸ™‚

  • Gaspar74
    Gaspar74 Member Posts: 25 Member

    Is there a Mod to change the stock mixer effects to the ones in Traktor, aside from the 8 or so i can assign tothe 4 buttons? I know its seperate topic. ty

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