Komplete Kontrol MK3 missing instrument graphics

ianfrank Member Posts: 11 Member


I have a few third party plugins in my Komplete Kontrol software. For Arturia CS-80, it shows a nice background picture when loaded on my hardware.

For my KVR331 Synthmaster One, Synthmaster 2, Synthmaster 3 and Spitfire Audio BBC Symphony Orchestra, the background image is missing, showing only lines. These have native NKS support.

I'm new to this, so i am not sure if it ever worked, it could be their integration is made for MK2. Is there some way I can add my own wallpaper to this?


Best Answer

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited January 12 Answer ✓

    Not all NKS plugins (in fact most third party ones) are NKS2 yet, so don't come with the NKS2 banner images (or the other things like param grouping that make up NKS2).

    However easy to make them - it just needs to be a graphic 1280 x 212 pixels saved as 'NKS2_hardware_banner.webp'

    Put it here (you may find an existing folder for plugins that already support NKS so just add it to that)

    Users/Shared/NI Resources/image/developer/plugin name (Mac)

    \Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources\image\developer\plugin name (Windows)

    eg for Synthmaster 3 it is on my system under: '/Users/Shared/NI Resources/image/kv331 audio/synthmaster 3'


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited January 12 Answer ✓

    Not all NKS plugins (in fact most third party ones) are NKS2 yet, so don't come with the NKS2 banner images (or the other things like param grouping that make up NKS2).

    However easy to make them - it just needs to be a graphic 1280 x 212 pixels saved as 'NKS2_hardware_banner.webp'

    Put it here (you may find an existing folder for plugins that already support NKS so just add it to that)

    Users/Shared/NI Resources/image/developer/plugin name (Mac)

    \Users\Public\Documents\NI Resources\image\developer\plugin name (Windows)

    eg for Synthmaster 3 it is on my system under: '/Users/Shared/NI Resources/image/kv331 audio/synthmaster 3'

  • ianfrank
    ianfrank Member Posts: 11 Member

    Thank you very much, that worked perfectly. 😊

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