Maschine MK3 becomes unresponsive when Maschine 3 is synced to an external midi master clock.

Loonar Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

I just got a Nome II to use as my master clock for all of my devices. I have set Maschine 3 software to receive midi clock from the Nome II via usb. This works great inside the software and the Nome can trigger start / stop etc. The issue is, that when running this setup, the Maschine MK3 hardware will not respond locally to any button presses. The interface on the MK3 basically freezes and nothing lights up etc. It does however still control the Maschine 3 software. Any ideas why this is happening?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    Unfortunately I don't have a Nome II to test it. Can you post screenshots of the MIDI setup in Maschine? The in and out ports, as well as the sync section?

    Can you share how is everything connected? Could it be that all devices connected draw too much power? Do you have a powered USB hub you could try? If you have a MIDI cable at hand it would also be a good idea to try to sync it through MIDI and not USB.

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