the time for noire has come

pianow Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

hi there, it's been years since the noire piano been released, it's always been a favorite among pianists and producers, and when the claire released, most people on forums decided that they love noire a little more, i also agree with that, so i think it's time for native instruments to update this great piano, adding some small but effective features should do the trick, these are what i have in mind :
01 una corda simulation : obviously it cannot be sample based so it should be modeled.
02 full classical pedaling support (re pedal, half pedal and catch pedal options + una corda and sostenuto)
03 adjustable release time (not samples) and the ability to mix time and samples together (like vilabs pianos)
04 a better looking (more up to date) GUI, the claire is awesome, very wide and big with a high quality picture.
05 (this one's more a wish) mic positions, i know it's odd but if native instruments and galaxy still have the raw samples from the recording sessions, it's doable imo, and if this is the case, please add a proper mic mixing tab, not just a fader that doesn't have the ability to mix several stuff at once - seriously with claire i must open at least two instances of the library to be able to mix all three mics together, that's not very efficient)

anyway, i know this is probably not something NI wanna do, but i think it's worth mentioning that noire has more potential.


  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert
    edited January 8

    All these fine instruments are made by Galaxy. Only distributed by NI

    Any changes would need to originate with Galaxy Instruments.


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