Does anyone know why my Kontakt UI looks blurry?

Nolan Watt
Nolan Watt Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Not sure why I'm having this problem, does anyone know how to fix it?


  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Before anyone can give any help you might want to list your OS, Computer specs, DAW and any other relevant info.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod

    Firstly then make sure that your computer has properly detected the display. Then also check settings for display like e,g, High Dynamic Range settings and other.

    Otherwise then as already suggested by Jojo123 please supply all necessary information such as computer type / display adapter information , exact OS version , driver version and what is your exact display in question. Also what is Kontakt version ?.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert

    Agreed - need some major system specs here


    Computer type

    Monitor Type?

    Current resolution?


  • Nolan Watt
    Nolan Watt Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks for the replys,

    I'm using a 2017 MacBook Pro 2.5 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i7 with the built in retina display at full resolution. The issue I'm having is with Kontakt 8 - the little icons in the browser are what appear to be blurry (like double vision), not the text, menus, etc. When the instrument is loaded, the main playable instrument looks fine. It's not affecting the playability, it's just annoying.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    Im not sure if NI has a minimum spec for graphics for new software such as K8. You might want to check their compatibility list. I do think a dual core might be getting a bit low end these days, but someone more knowlegeable than me hopefully will pop in and verify that. I have an iMac 8 core and even on that K7 has a flickering problem, but that could be because of any number of things.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod

    Quote :

    The issue I'm having is with Kontakt 8 - the little icons in the browser are what appear to be blurry (like double vision), not the text, menus, etc. When the instrument is loaded, the main playable instrument looks fine. It's not affecting the playability, it's just annoying.

    @Jeremy_NI , sorry for adding more to your work load , I just wants to check if your expertise includes knowing what is the issue here ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @PoorFellow Thanks for pinging me, wasn't aware of the issue. I've reached out to the Kontakt team about it. Will update the thread when i know more.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Nolan Watt What's your operating system?

  • Tim_NI
    Tim_NI Product Team Posts: 54 mod

    Can you please let us know what version of macOS you are running?

  • mmltaylor
    mmltaylor Member Posts: 7 Member

    Same problem here.

    Also, when someone asks you for system specs, always include your OS VERSION or they can't help you.

    macOS 12.7.6 here. REALLY hoping that NI doesn't make me update my OS again so I can use their product.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro

    My findings suggest that NI GUI's are not optimised for newer hi Res screens and need some major improvement. Comparing NI GUI's with my DAW and Arturia's GUI's for example on my 32" 4k OLED display one can really pick this up. On an older and much cheaper 1080 laptop display the problem isn't nearly as noticeable. AFAIK NI are working on this when releasing new versions of their software.

  • mmltaylor
    mmltaylor Member Posts: 7 Member

    I have a USB C to DVI input on a non-HD monitor. I don't think that's the issue.

  • Mark Oxley
    Mark Oxley Member Posts: 361 Pro
    edited November 2024

    I use display port in and out on the above-mentioned display from a reasonably powerful, modern GPU running windows 11. On Ableton Live 12 and my Arturia products the fonts, graphics and icons are clear and sharp, even after resizing the GUI. On the same computer when I load NI software there is a clear difference in quality. I'm not an expert in this field, I can only tell you what I've experienced for myself. NI GUI's are definitely lacking visual quality in a direct comparison. Read into that what you will.

  • rustyspoon
    rustyspoon Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I have the same problem. On the external odyssey g9 oled and on the lcd panel of my laptop too. Windows 11 24H2, i9-13900HX, RTX4070, everything is updated to the latest version. There are elements, texts etc.. looks blurry or pixelated, while some other elements are just fine. When you set the scale to 125% (or more) you can see it better, like a digital zoom on some very low quality content…

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