Mashine 3.0.1

Jono Rezzillo
Jono Rezzillo Member Posts: 32 Member

The update from 3.0 to 3.0.1 is glitchy on M2 Studio Mac/ Sonoma /

Left Columb Browser lockes up and doesnt access the patternt when clicked in ideas mode

Realised 3.0 worked really good…but will go back and re download

Please share if anyone experiences the same


  • Jono Rezzillo
    Jono Rezzillo Member Posts: 32 Member

    Is it possible to get back the original v 3.0 for Maschine as the 3.0.1 is really glitchy and sticky on lots of areas


  • ArtisanS
    ArtisanS Member Posts: 22 Member

    So is 3.0

    Small list of errors for 3.0

    a: Not all VST's that work fine with 2.0 work with 3.0 (Scaler 2 for instance shows half a user interface, without a work around, obstructing my workflow

    b: All VST's drop out of commission after my monitor went to sleep….not the PC mind you just the monitor, due to the previous error now affecting all VST's, workaround restart the VST and pray you have saved your settings….

    c: Editing synth is a challenge in 3.0 using NI KK CE instruments (even Massive X you flagship synth) due to eratic behavior of the dials.

    The latter was mediated with 3.0.1 but not for all NI KK CE instruments (Funk Guitar for instance has the same problem in 3.0.1)

    d: Intermitent (but not intermitent enough) crashes went replacing a preset (within and whitout) changing the NI instrument.

    From a ITIL certified T Map Test Manager to NI, I would say……test, test, test……..

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    Unfortunately NI doesn’t provide installers for previous versions. You can only get the latest version through Native Access.

  • Paul Opp
    Paul Opp Member Posts: 59 Member

    I'm on windows and totally surprised how well this little update worked for me. I was having issues with v3 that i just used v2. I pushed it hard last night and it went smooth. Hope you find a solution.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    @Jono Rezzillo

    doesnt access the patternt when clicked in ideas mode

    What do you mean by that? Patterns arent loadding with the groups? Is +Patterns enabled at the bottom of the Browser?

  • marten10bones
    marten10bones Member Posts: 8 Member

    I'm having issues with 3rd party plugins not opening their menus. I can change presets by hitting < or > but can't access the preset list or settings. Also, in a new project just loading Kontakt 8 and a Leap expansion, the cpu meter spiked, audio was glitched, distorted and extremely loud. After loading and unloading a few times (both Kontakt and the expansion) it chilled out a little bit. Mac Studio Ultra M1 macOS Ventura 13.7.2. I dunno. I wish I never bought this computer. It's made doing anything creative a nightmare. I'm sitting here watching the text on my screen jump and jitter and the clickable "Save Draft" and "Post Comment" keep flashing. Only when I'm typing though. Sorry I know none of this helps. I'll go kill myself now

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    That last step won’t help. Instead you‘d be haunted by computer problems until eternity.

    Is there a reason why your Mac Studio is still on macOS Ventura 13.7.2? I would expect macOS 14 or the current 15 to provide a more stable experience on that model.

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