Sequoia OS compatibility with S88 MK1 and KK 2.9.6.

Hywel Member Posts: 63 Member

Has anybody been brave enough to try out this combination yet? Having just recently updated smoothly to Sonoma, I thought I might see if this was an option as well.

I know that folks are using Sequoia OS and a lot of NI now does seem to be compatible BUT I DO NOT want to update IF I lose the LightGuide and NKS functionality of my S88 Mk1 keyboard.

Anybody been there and done this? Am I just hoping for too much?



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,382 mod

    I am running 2.9.6 alongside 3.3.4 on Sequoia with no problems other than ones that are not due to Sequoia. However I have a MkIII keyboard so am only using 2.9.6 in software

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 63 Member

    Thanks for responding @Kymeia but I specifically want to know if it's ok with a Mk1 keyboard whilst still maintaining NKS and LightGuide functionality with the hardware.

  • Hywel
    Hywel Member Posts: 63 Member

    Ok folks, I'm able to answer my own question & I'm pleased to report that Sequoia OS, KK 2.9.6 and my S88 Mk1 play nicely together on my MacStudio M2 Ultra having updated the OS over the Christmas period.

    Happy New Year everyone…

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