Programming synths from M+

Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

just bought the Maschine plus, I used to used Maschine back in 2009 I bought it day one and I loved it..after years in the Elektron realm I decided to get back into Maschine since I got along with the MK1 version so well. What I was hoping for was essentially what Maschine used to be but standalone and I’m ver pleasantly surprised at how much more it is. Essentially I just wanted a standalone drum machine for coming up with beats and bass and general. I think it suites that purpose very well but there is one thing I am majorly disappointed with. I knew that it ran some of NI’s synthesizers natively and I was excited at that prospect but now that I have it I see that it’s essentially just a preset player with macros…I have zero use for that. I wouldn’t even care if programming on massive involved tons of menu diving, that’s what I expected given the 8 knob interface…but for some ungodly reason they’ve restricted which controls you can access? …I don’t get it; if the synthesizer is running then I want access to all the controls so I can program patches from init. There’s no point otherwise. I know there’s the poly synth and bass synth but obviously those are way scaled down, monark is okay too seems like all the parameters are there for that one too but it’s just a Minimoog clone so it’s also very limited…what the hell is going on with native to give us these plugins but not the ability to program them? Is there something I’m missing or templates I can download or something?
I plan on using Maschine plus exclusively in standalone mode I have no need to connect it to a computer, I like to write in hardware and arrange/mix/master in Ableton. Even without the ability to properly use the synthesizers I still quite like Maschine as a drum machine/sampler, I reorganized my entire custom sample library to comply with the bizarre two folder system and I cleared out the built in samples so just when it’s ready for me to actually dive in and start writing I find out the built in synths are useless, I hope I’m wrong and I’m missing something.



  • Andy Wt
    Andy Wt Member Posts: 143 Advisor
    edited December 2024

    Have you tried holding SHIFT + VARIATION buttons and selecting parameters page using pads? There are 16 pages of controls for Massive. Cant say for sure every synth control is present there for Massive specifically, but as i remember for Monark they are all there, maybe except couple of global params

  • katto
    katto Member Posts: 19 Member

    Btw you actually could make your own template by using macros, which I have done for some external synth. Obviously would be cool if that was the case by default. But reading your post got me some ideas that there are some other possibilities with the macros. You have to create the macro template with Maschine software and then save it and transfer to M+.

  • katto
    katto Member Posts: 19 Member

    You can save as project or group or sound.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    I've not used this so cannot verify. But this is cheap and might be the solution to your issues:

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,364 Expert
    edited December 2024

    A bit more info on the above:

    It's called Miniskool and it's being sold by Blezz Beats for $10 here

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 352 Member

    On my profile page here you have all the answers but if you can't see then write here I will gladly share how to do impossible. Sound design, I made my own Grain Synth with one longer sample and 3 samplers. It turns out much better than I was imagining.

    This Track. Or more dynamic and crazy morphing on Linear Time Line.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    yea I did shift+variation and it shows the 16 pages of parameters but it’s not all of them…it’s not even most of them and it’s missing a lot of basic essentials for creating even simple patches.
    I bought the blezzbeats template and it’s almost worse…some essential parameters are included but even further than complete than the standard template I’m a lot of respects.

    I think I may make my own as I don’t see any other choice, I don’t know how to use macros or make templates yet (I’ve openly had maschine+ for a couple of days)

    there’s definitely a decent amount of opportunity for general sound design when using samples and effects and I’m very happy with that but the fact that it can run entire softsynths like massive but it doesn’t natively give you access to the majority of parameters is mental…makes me feel like Native instruments sees the Maschine plus as more of a preset instrument, a vessel to push their sound packs rather than a professional instrument…which is a damn shame because in the right hands it very much is a pro instrument.
    Hard to believe that no proper template for massive after Maschine plus has been out this long…even harder to believe a company as seasoned in making softsynths as native would ship the M+ without the ability to program the instruments it run.
    I’m considering ditching the M+ for the Ableton push standalone since you can easily run and program all of the Ableton suite synths and instruments right out of the box but I really like the workflow of the M* and I’ve already gone through and recognized my entire custom sample library to suit the weirdly restrictive two folder file system in the M+.

    I was going to kind of circumvent the issue by just running the M+ with my iPad Pro since I’ve got a ton of full fledged synths on it (along with drum synths/samplers/effects etc) but it didn’t work out because you can either send midi OR receive audio from the iPad Pro given Apple’s choice to exclude an auxiliary port with the iPad Pros…I bought a splitter so you can run audio out while also receiving power but for some reason the Maschine didn’t recognize midi input from it, it basically just acted as if it splitter wasn’t connected and I could still only send midi or audio out of only one of the two from the splitter. I know I could hook my audio interface to it or I could hook one of my synths up directly as well but at that point I might as well lug my whole studio out, the whole idea of the stand alone aspect to me was to allow me to create stuff away from the studio…so I guess it’s back to the drawing board for me, the only option I foresee is me painstakingly going through and creating a proper template for at least massive, I really wish NI put paid more attention to the part of their customer base that wants to create from scratch, to be more focused on selling preset packs to those that want them is fine but completely negating the part of their user base that wants to dive deep and create their own stuff is absurd. I’m hoping I can sort this out so I’ll want to hang on to the M+ and not switch the standalone push…I have to consider if ‘just’ being a sample based drum machine is enough for me, I wouldn’t have even been thinking about or complaining about this if they didn’t make the M+ capable of running plugins to begin with…I see that they may be considering or working on the ability to host third party plugins but if their plagued by the same lack of control that’d be pointless…I don’t know I need to read more about what the template creation process is to see if it’s a viable option before I really make up my mind.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    I’m assuming you’re talking more about general sound design using M+ built in sample editing parameters and various effects and automation right? I checked out your profile and your posts and didn’t see any insight into being able to access all (or most) of massive’s parameters…or am I missing something?

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,954 Expert
    edited December 2024

    @Matthewsavant you seem to have not a lot of experience with programming Massive presets which resulted in unreasonable expectations for the M+.

    It’s impossible to access all Massive parameters from Maschine’s eight encoders for several reasons:

    • Massive has more than 128 parameters, but Maschine offers a maximum of 8 parameters on 16 pages.*** Even if you could map 500 parameters, it would be a major PITA to step through 64 pages to find something.
    • Not all of Massive‘s parameters can be mapped to Maschine macros.
    • Many parameters require a graphical user interface to properly understand them (envelopes, steppers, LFO curves, waves
    • Many parameters require a graphical user interface and mouse to operate them (macros, cross modulation, signal flow).

    Creating your own sounds on the desktop and being able to use them on the M+ is actually the most effective solution.

    Edit: *** As several users reported Maschine allowing more than 16 pages for mapping, I had to try myself, and it worked. I stopped adding pages after passing number 136. It can be accounted as "limitless" for practical use.

  • macchinista
    macchinista Member Posts: 52 Advisor

    Have you tried the "NKS Init" patch for Massive? It's probably the best mapping I have seen for it. Of course if you want to get fancy with modulations, you'll need a computer & mouse.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    I’ve been using massive since it was first launched and have always programmed my own sounds I also have used various classic synths with horrible interfaces over the years where all the parameters are accessible with only one knob and button so no it’s not a lack of familiarity it’s just a lack of fear of digging deep.

    With machines 8 knobs and variety of buttons per page and as far as I’ve seen Maschine can do much more than 16 pages it’s very much possible to map and logically layout the vast majority of massive parameters. I’m not saying programming would be a joy but it would be a much much more enjoyable experience than programming the Oberhiem matrix 6 or the access virus rack unit or the Alesis micron etc etc

    Unless than 16 page limit is a real limit for some reason and isn’t a self imposed limit. Otherwise its absolutely a possibility.

  • myalteredsoul
    myalteredsoul Member Posts: 254 Pro

    The biggest issue with Massive is that a lot of the UI elements simply don't have any sort of midi mapability or api for mapping controls to them (Wavetable selection for example). With wavetables and performance modulation being parts of the core operation of the synth, its not something that works well for a knob-per-function style of mapping. Its best to do your sound design in massive on the desktop, then set your macros and map knobs on a per patch basis for sound modification on the Maschine.

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    Damn that’s exactly what I was afraid of, I was going to sit down tonight to start making a template but if we can’t assign knobs to core functionality then there’s no way. How could a company like NI drop the ball so hard, you’d think the inclusion of the ability to run synths would inherently mean the ability to program those synths….otherwise there’s no point for me :/

  • Matthewsavant
    Matthewsavant Member Posts: 29 Member

    I guess the only hope is either they add more built in synths like the poly and bass synth or that they allow third party plugins

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