Black Friday discount for upgrade



  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,012 mod
    edited December 2024

    CC : @Vocalpoint

    It costs the same to upgrade from Standard to Ultimate as it costs to buy Ultimate outright.

    Yes , that is correct because the 'Updates' and 'upgrades' are not discounted only the Full bundle is and you are right that that is sort of confusing and yes it could make N.I. look a little bad to some people that do not see things in the greater perspective. But as VocalPoint has pointed out then the Updates and Upgrades alas is not on sale at the moment other than per email offer that is.

    Screenshot from Compare page with graphics added

  • gigino
    gigino Member Posts: 18 Member

    I think it is seriously unfair that NI does not apply Black Friday discounts to upgrades and crossgrades. Users who have already invested a lot are penalized and especially amateurs who use plugins for non-professional and commercial purposes are severely penalized. I really do not understand this strategy, which seems purely speculative and does not help music and young people to approach music. NI think again and put a hand on your heart and one on your budget, which already seems satisfactory to me. Thanks

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert

    You will have your chance - just like all other existing users (like me) - to score a deal during the Summer of Sound 2025.


  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member

    I agree with OP. While I accept NI's decision on pricing policy, it makes no sense to me. Neither does it need to. It's my money and I'll hang onto it thanks all the same. Spent a lot on MPC/Air plug ins instead. They seem to have a higher regard for existing customers, as well as a way better product in the first place.

    I upgraded from 10 Utimate to 12 CE and was contemplating 15 CE, but if the upgrade is not offered at a discount price until nearly obsolete, why bother.

  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    NI have to honour those that spent money on the new version, within the last couple of weeks. And how is 8 months into a 24 month release cycle "nearly obsolete"? I have 13UCE, and with the exception of Absynth, which is its own separate issue, none of it is obsolete.

    For all the criticism NI deserve, criticising them for the value they offer is bizarre. And previous customers can do extremely well out of it all.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    edited December 2024

    @Stephen Bish

    "upgraded from 10 Ultimate to 12 CE and was contemplating 15 CE, but if the upgrade is not offered at a discount price until nearly obsolete, why bother."

    Or you can just play the game like the rest of us that know how the NI marketing schedule works.

    Komplete upgrades are NEVER offered in the same year a new bundle has dropped.

    Anyone expecting NI to suddenly blow out a product (K15) @ 50% off - that they just released (Sept 27, 2024) a mere two months (and a bit) ago needs to take a moment and think about how product marketing actually works.

    No company I know of would release a brand new product and then slash it by 50% 2 months later.

    Come back during the Summer of Sound 2025 (June) - and all will be well.


  • Stephen Bish
    Stephen Bish Member Posts: 20 Member

    Oh I'm playing the game alright, I'm taking my money elsewhere as is my right. Just as NI's pricing policy decisions are their own right. I don't recall anyone saying they expected anything. The point I don't understand in your logic ………….

    (Anyone expecting NI to suddenly blow out a product (K15) @ 50% off - that they just released (Sept 27, 2024) a mere two months (and a bit) ago needs to take a moment and think about how product marketing actually works.)……………

    is that this is exactly what NI are doing to attract new customers, while at the same time telling existing customers "No. Not for you."

    Anyway my only point is that I make my own decisions based on what works best for me rather than any company based 'fan boy' logic.

    I have over the last few years drifted away from computer based music production and more into stand alone, based largely around MPC. I looked into a new keyboard a while ago, tossing up between Novation Launchkey mk4, NI 61 kk3 and MPC Key61. Went with the Launchkey and never looked back. Bought all the Air plugins I wanted plus Scaler2 in Black Friday sales.

    Ended up with everything I wanted at a fraction of the price.

    My biggest point here is don't be a fanboy.

    Look into things in an unbiased manner and spend your money where it does your music production the most good rather than your ego.

    I did very seriously consider the Key 61 (MPC) but given I already own a Live2 and Akai Force there seemed to be a bit too much overlap.

    With the Launchkey I can run Air plugins in Ableton live, controlling them with Launchkey and Scaler2.

    I also have a nice portable setup with the Launchkey and Live2, Both of which can be run into the Force along with guitars, vocals etc for 21st Century One Man Band setup.

    Point is I have researched what works for me rather than get sucked into brand loyalty. Plus, and this is a big plus, all of the above fits within the plug in licence conditions of 3 installations.

    I might add here that I was writing and playing music a good 40 years before I bought my first computer 20 years ago.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    edited December 2024

    Everyone should do exactly what they need to do at all times.

    But are you really (seriously) saying that you do not recall anyone saying they expected anything?

    In the last 2 weeks it felt like practically every 5th thread was some variant of “Where’s MY half price upgrade Ni?”

    If that wasn’t “anyone expecting something” - I do not know what is.

    Even this thread speaks to the same expectations.


  • el-bo
    el-bo Member Posts: 150 Advisor

    Not everyone who holds a contrary position to yours is a fanboy and/or suffering from ego issues?

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    @Stephen Bish

    I upgraded from 10 Utimate to 12 CE and was contemplating 15 CE, but if the upgrade is not offered at a discount price until nearly obsolete, why bother.

    Well, Summer Sale will be 8 or 9 months since release and 15 or 16 months before release of new version. I would not call it nearly obsolete.

    It is not that hard to wait half year for Summer Sale. The thing is, that there never have been discounts on complete bundles, in past years… Just on upgrades/updates.

    I do agree, that it is sort of strange certain upgrades are more expensive than buying full version in discount… But right time for purchase of upgrades/updates will come….

  • The P.O.T.Y
    The P.O.T.Y Member Posts: 60 Member

    Thanks for Post, I came too see if I was tripping. Yea it will be SOS 25', as usual. Product in Sept, Software OCT-NOV, Upgrade in SOS.

  • StureLof
    StureLof Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    For me an K15 CE update is far too expensive. If you already have K14 CE, the update is not worth it, to me. Sorry, NI and your supporters!

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert
    edited December 2024

    LOL no way is it "too expensive". In fact I'd say it's the exact opposite. It's a bargain.

    Why? Well use logic and work it out. Divide the cost of the update by the number of new and/or updated products in K15 CE. What you end up with is that - per product - it's far cheaper than buying those products individually. Less than £8 per product. Ergo, it's a bargain.

    Even if between 14 and 15 you bought some of the products, the cost is low enough to offset that.

    The above does not mean I'm a fanboy. It just means I'm able to see what's in front of my eyes.

  • heisser.synthesizer
    heisser.synthesizer Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I am also very disappointed that the upgrades are not on sale. It's not possible for me to spend 400 Euros just to upgrade from Komplete 14 to 15. So I won't do it either and am looking for alternatives.

  • Member Posts: 180 Advisor

    It has always been the norm by NI for many years that no discount are offered on updates and upgrades for Komplete software bundles in the year the major version update is released. Relatively long time NI users will simply know and wait for the following year Summer of Sound sale for the 50% discount which will then be offered on these updates and upgrades.

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