Maschine 3.0 Plugin Window GUI issues



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Exactly. If someone is loading up some old timer from 5 years ago - does not matter how nice Mv3 handles it's rendering - there is no way that plugin is going to scale anyway/anyhow.


  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,365 Expert
    edited December 2024

    I've just gone back for another look at RudyB24's posted image - I can just make out it says Vital at the top.

    Googling, it's a synth. Looks quite old (system reqs are old) and there are several posts on their forum about HiDPI issues. Old posts.

    The creator of Vital was last seen on their forum in November………2023.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited December 2024

    For sure. Many of these plugins that are being brought up are nowhere near hi-res ready (and most will never be).

    Even more telling was when RudyB24 changed back to standard HD and all was well - that should tell you all you need to know about Vital and it's preferred resolution.

    The fact that everyone thinks that Maschine can magically overcome some baked-in third party plugin limitations - is crazy. Even more cray-cray is the demand that "NI fix this!" Like right now.

    Like what exactly are they going to "fix" when dealing with thousands of plugins that are not capable of any scaling at all?


  • Dabeatdeella
    Dabeatdeella Member Posts: 9 Member

    Man that don't happen in maschine 2 thats The problem, because we Buy a better software than The 2 thats all

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Fair enough. Let' s see what NI does with this.

    Seems there are some fixes coming per @D-One's post on Page 2.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    That is not the point.

    Maschine should work with plugins that support HiDPI aswell as those that do not, just like all Plugin Hosts, the age of the plug is irrelevant as long as it's VST3 - If the plug works on other DAW's you can't blame it for not working in Maschine….

    VST 3.6 itself is from 2017, imagine how old VST2 is…

    Vital is a fairly modern synth… Fully vector based by the looks of the GUI.

    I just installed it and works fine, I'm on MacOS tho, maybe he is on windows?

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert
    edited December 2024

    "Maschine should work with plugins that support HiDPI aswell as those that do not, just like all Plugin Hosts?"

    I do not understand. How is Maschine not "working" with plugins that don't scale? There are several screencaps in this thread showing it "working" just fine. It is just not "scaling" just fine.

    Like the Vital screencap. Working = yes. Scaling = the user is annoyed.

    I thought the point was - that these users expect every plugin - whether it's supports HiDPI (on not) to scale up and be crispy clear?

    FWIW - I am on Windows - and have confirmed Vital will only go so far "scaling up" - before it loses it's clarity and UI elements start to go blurry. And I am running in stock 1920x1080

    This is exactly what the issue is - especially if someone is rocking any resolution higher than Standard HD. Vital easily shows you where it's limit is.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    Maybe we have different definitions of things, for me if the plugin does not fit it's own Window and is unusable then It is not working; especially if it works fine in other software… Period.

    Again… Vital should work! This is what's happening for him on Windows:

    This is Vital for me on MacOS:

    The above works both on a 4k HiDPI monitor and on a regular 1080p one…

    Idk where this fits in your definition of "if the plugin scales", as thats the host's job imo.

    Of course Maschine nor any other host can make a low-res plugin look hi-res, it will be blurry on hi-res if not scalable or has hires support, while on a low-res screen it will be normal.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    Ah - OK - I get it now.

    However - you resolution looks much more reasonable than the Vital users screencap. But I see what you are getting at - Vital not sitting "right" inside it's window.

    Just fired up Vital here in Studio One (do not have Maschine installed) but it displays exactly as yours does. All controls normal, present and accounted for.

    And I also resized Vital as big as I could inside the S1 window and it remains crisp.

    Still think this is some users thinking 4K is normal and pushing things beyond their limits OR it has more to do with those Release Notes you posted. Maybe this is par for the course until NI gets these display issues under control.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited December 2024

    @Vocalpoint :

    Ah - OK - I get it now.

    However - you resolution looks much more reasonable than the Vital users screencap. But I see what you are getting at - Vital not sitting "right" inside it's window.

    My resolution looks reasonable because I can freely stretch the plugin to any size I want, because it is fully scalable.

    Just fired up Vital here in Studio One (do not have Maschine installed) but it displays exactly as yours does. All controls normal, present and accounted for.

    And I also resized Vital as big as I could inside the S1 window and it remains crisp.

    Exactly, then why were you assuming Maschine-3 is fine and it's all the 3rd party developer's fault?

    If I dont have issues I simply state so, I wouldn't try to disprove or blame the user/plugin… whats the point of that?

    Still think this is some users thinking 4K is normal and pushing things beyond their limits OR it has more to do with those Release Notes you posted. Maybe this is par for the course until NI gets these display issues under control.

    4K and Retina is very normal, it's been around for more than a decade. Apple hasn't sold non-retina computers since 2012.

    The release notes are about Maschine-3-Plug inside a DAW, the user with the Vital issue seems to be using Maschine standalone app (? i think)

    Maschine 2 had no display issues.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,244 Expert

    "The release notes are about Maschine-3-Plug inside a DAW, the user with the Vital issue seems to be using Maschine standalone app (? i think)"

    Fair enough.

    But I still think that users screencap is him running Vital INSIDE Maschine (the v3 software plugin version) and Vital does not know what to do in there - due some weird "windowing" or display issues - which could be resolution related, Windows related, Maschine related or a combo of all three.


  • Dabeatdeella
    Dabeatdeella Member Posts: 9 Member

    All The issues are with the standalone software of maschine, thats disapointing. I can understand if have problems as a plugin but not in The Main software.

  • darkwaves
    darkwaves Member Posts: 463 Guru
    edited December 2024


    Here's my normal setup:

    Serato sample opens fine:

    If I change windows scaling to 200%:

    The same 200% scaling while open in Maschine 2.8.14:

    … and Cubase:

    (wow; maschine is kind of ugly if you jack the scaling up this way. Is this what the 'hi-dpi' people keep complaining about?)

    With all that said; I wonder if the people having this issue have messed with scaling in Windows. NI should probably take a look at this right after they get out the M+ update :)

  • frkh09
    frkh09 Member Posts: 59 Member

    Nexus 5 is appearing oversized in Maschine 3 when display settings is set to over 100%. It covers the whole screen and doesn't give any option to minimize. Even if I want to minimize it from the right corner it reduces within the white background but doesn't give any option to see the full Nexus 5. Its a bug that needs to be fixed as I am unable to use it like this. See the attachment.

    I have to minimize the display settings to 100% to see the full screen then it looks like it how it is seen in the attachment.

    It shows fine in Maschine 2 when display settings are changed over 100%. So the problem is with Maschine 3. I have contacted Nexus 5 support and they said its an issue with Maschine 3 which NI have to fix the bug for.

  • JT Static
    JT Static Member Posts: 5 Member
    edited December 2024

    The scaling issues have been mentioned several times now and still no fix.. It's only 30 bucks but could even ask a refund for a broken product, won't bother though, I have better things to do and using Maschine still wont be one of them, especially after this update…

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