Recording Modulation "Auto" M+ with extren Synth

goodwedder Member Posts: 9 Newcomer


Can someone answer, if it is possible to use the M+ as master and an Syth connect to the M+.

The Sounds i Record from the external syth on the m+ are possible to "auto" modulate?

other questenion.

its possible to use a extren syth on multibel Groups on the M+ without loosing the parameter in the differnt groups?

exaple: group a Bass from synth "Xy"

group B: Lead from synth "Xy"

i think i have to "sample" a track to the group, otherweise the sound will get lost right?

and on group A+B it will play the same Synth sound (bass or lead)


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    For modulation of external synths, you need a mapping of the Maschine knobs to MIDI CC of the synth. These are called External Instruments.

    To use to different sounds at the same time, your synth must be multi timbral.

  • goodwedder
    goodwedder Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    mmm so it’s more difficult-

    It’s not just using an playing

    Do you have a video link pls?

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