Problems with Sustain Pedal on Kontrol S88 MK3

velanche Member Posts: 53 Member


I have put this off for months now, but I have not been able to get an old M-Audio SP1 pedal to work with my S88 MK3.

I should start by stating that when I attempt to plug the pedal to the Sustain port of the keyboard, sometimes the keyboard would power down, sometimes it would restart the keyboard, and sometimes nothing happens…and this is all in my attempts to get it to work with it, which I so far have yet to do.

Reading the direction this evening, I went to the keyboard settings and chosen the Sustain pedal's port on the screen. It is set for Switch. I tried both types of invert, on and off, without success.

Then, it somehow did work. But it seems that the way it works may be different, unless I'm missing something. In the past, when my foot rests and presses down on the pedal sustain works, and when I take my foot off of it, sustain stops. I am gathering that switch is a toggle; press it, sustain turns off. Press again, sustain turns off. I somehow have turned it off, but it would not turn off afterwards.

As this is all counterintuitive to me, it's either I'm not doing it right, or I may have a faulty pedal. I could use some guidance to help clear the air on this.

Thanks much!.


Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Hey @velanche Sorry for not getting back earlier. In the meantime you reached out for support, the unit seems to be defective and willl be handles by our hardware service.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    First of all, how is your keyboard connected to the computer and to power? This thing where the keyboard turns off when it shouldn't would indicate a power issue, please check this article: Kontrol S-Series MK3: Avoiding Connection Issues by Using the Right USB-C Hubs and Cables

    Now for the pedal, the setting up for the pedals is now part of the MIDI templates, we've edited this guide: How to Configure Sustain / Expression Pedals on Kontrol Keyboards

    For the SP1 I believe there is a polarity switch on the pedal itself. I'd recommend to try both positions when setting up the pedal.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Hello @Jeremy_NI and thanks for getting back at me.

    Am I able to test out the attempted changes in the MIDI Template editor after changing the parameter with the knob without having to select Done first? I have tried testing before committing to any changes, but I have tried both switches with the possible combinations, but I'm not getting a response.

    I am not sure if the pedal might be faulty; I've had it around for ages. I have ordered the SP-2 and that will arrive tomorrow fro me to try.

    I will have a read and play of the USB-C power issue and let you know the results of that; thanks for the link.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Alright, let us know when the SP-2 pedal arrives. I've also got it at hand so I can double check with you if needed.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Hello @Jeremy_NI and thanks.

    Got the SP-2 delivered, plugged it in, tried a few settings in Pedals before giving up.

    I could use some guidance to get it working. Thank you.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Can you explain what you did and what's not as expected?

    Have you checked the power with cables, etc..? these power issues could definitely affect the device functionality. Please follow these steps to access the MIDI template settings on your keyboard:

    Then follow the steps here: How to Configure Sustain / Expression Pedals on Kontrol Keyboards

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Hello @Jeremy and thanks.

    Well, unless I'm missing something, with a sustain pedal, when my foot is pressing down on the keybed to, for instance, play a chord, when I let go of the keys, I should still hear some reverberation until my foot is removed from the pedal. Instead, with my foot still on the pedal, the sound quickly dies down to silent after my hand releases the keys.

    Regarding the power and cables, I'm unsure which cables you mean. I am using the supplied USB cable that was included with the S88, and I have it plugged into the USB-C port next to the power button. The other end was plugged into my Caldigit TS4 Thunderbolt dock, and I now have it plugged into a Caldigit Element hub; both devices are powered via a power brick for each.

    I am still unclear if, when I insert the plug into the sustain port on the back of the S88, if it's supposed to suddenly power off the keyboard or reboot it, as it has happened to me on several occasions.

    I have followed the instructions on configuring the sustain pedal last night before my last reply to you. The settings were "Switch" and Invert "off." When I followed the directions, I have chosen "Edit" rather than "New" in order to attempt the changes. If I'm not mistaken, Sustain was already set to "Switch." Again, no changes occurred after I press "Done." Now, I have not tried it yet via creating a new template, but I will try it after this reply. I have my doubts, but again worth a shot. If there's a change, I'll let you know. Otherwise, assume by the time you read this that there's no change.

    Hope this clarifies things, but of course feel free to clarify further if need be.

    Thank you, Jeremy.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited December 2024 Answer ✓

    Hey @velanche Sorry for not getting back earlier. In the meantime you reached out for support, the unit seems to be defective and willl be handles by our hardware service.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Hello @Jeremy_NI and no worries.

    Indeed, I am working with hardware support to prepare for sending my keyboard for warranty repair.

    Appreciate the help given.

  • Joseane
    Joseane Member Posts: 4 Member

    I've been had the same problem, but with a brand new pedal maudio PS2. It's was working but now stopped and I tried the procedures above, but without sucess. I even tried to use the keyboard just as a Midi controller (with the USB disconected but with power suply and midi cable conected to my Focusrite interface) , but didn't work. Is there a especific test that I can do to know if I have a unit defective also?

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    I ended up using the chat feature on the NI support page, which became a ticket, and, after some interactions with support, resulted in preparing the keyboard for service. I have it boxed and it'll get shipped tomorrow.

    I would log onto your NI account, go to product support, then look for the chat window on the lower right of your browser to begin the process. Whether or chat or via email, you may be asked to go through some steps to confirm your issue, and then proceed from there.

    Perhaps someone from NI may also chime in on this thread with additional info, but in any event I hope it helps.

  • Joseane
    Joseane Member Posts: 4 Member

    Ok, thank you! I'm comunicating with the support by email.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Hello @Jeremy_NI.

    Okay, I have the new replacement keyboard, so seems the power issue has been sorted.

    Which leads back to the query on setting up the SP-2 pedal. I know that it's responding, but not in the way I'd like. I note that pressing the pedal enables sustain, but it takes me a few times to do that. It also takes a few times to take it out of sustain mode. This is not the behavior I'd like.

    In Switch mode, I left pages 2 and 3 at their default settings.

    What I like is what I've been used to: I press down on the pedal and it will act like legato. Take my foot off the pedal, it returns to its original state. It's what I've been used to with previous MIDI keyboards with sustain pedals. While I'm guessing that I might have to adjust the MIDI settings on pages 2 and/or 3, I'm a bit of a MIDI novice so could use some guidance.

    Thanks much.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited January 6

    What I like is what I've been used to: I press down on the pedal and it will act like legato. Take my foot off the pedal, it returns to its original state. It's what I've been used to with previous MIDI keyboards with sustain pedals. While I'm guessing that I might have to adjust the MIDI settings on pages 2 and/or 3, I'm a bit of a MIDI novice so could use some guidance.

    Well, this is also how it should work on the MK3 as well. Have you tried to set it up as a sustain pedal with one of the other pedal inputs? Can you post photos of the set up of the keyboard for the pedal?

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