NI's failure to provide acceptable levels of tech support

johncalifra Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Without going into excruciating detail, I will say that last weekend, I lost all my NI licenses. My feeling was that whatever the issue, that tech support would help me rectify it on Monday. Still, the failure came at the tail end of a scoring project that had a deadline of last Wednesday.

Monday through Thursday, I spent hours waiting for a live support agent. In each case, Native Instruments required that the customer waits in front of a computer screen, first, dealing with a wholly inefficient AI gatekeeper that, after a maze of often irrelevant questions, delivers you to a cue where, allegedly, you are waiting for a "live" agent. At this stage, the AI will tell you something like "there are 3 people" in cue before you. From here you sit and wait, and worse, you have to wait without taking eyes of the screen because, there is no audio signal that will come to alert you that this mythical "live" agent has arrived. From Monday through Thursday of last week, I waited for hours in front of my computer…. often, watching as, for no apparent reason, the number of people allegedly in front of me on the cue would increase.

This morning, after cueing up very early, I managed to get a live agent after about an hour waiting. We were working through my issues when the chat box disappeared - and with it, all of the info she had written there and of course, the "live" agent when up in smoke with it. After dealing again with the AI gatekeeper, I was delivered to a cue with "8 people" before me. Four hours later - there were STILL 8 people before me.

Failure of my NI products combined with their failure to provide tech support, caused me to miss a deadline on a scoring project - with a new but prospectively very important client. Clients are not interested in excuses of course, so, NI's contemptuous handling of their customers accrues against their customers' professional reputations.

NI's disregard for their customers has had me offline all week…and of course, since they don't pretend to have tech support on the weekend, Im consigned to having to wait until Monday when, no doubt, I will be wasting hours waiting for tech support that doesnt exist.

There are two possible explanations for the company's negligence; that it is on the verge of collapse and going out of business, or, they have calculated that the damage done to their reputation by treating customers with contemptuous disregard, is worth the boost to their profit margin. There is no viable 3rd explanation


  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 246 Advisor

    man that sounds like a nightmare, did you solve the issue? when I have issues with my NI products, I like to come over here, because ether the staff at NI or other users will help, and I don't have to talk with a bot, I can straight away point to my issue. Next time maybe come over here!

  • Seanbocht
    Seanbocht Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    I'm trying to contact Tech Support right now, and they are putting me through the same process. A completely inadequate AI. I haven't gotten through to anyone other than AI bot. You've got to do better than what you are offering up at this point in time.

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