Anyone using Platinum Notes alongside Traktor?

RockyD Member Posts: 29 Member

Ignoring what it does to the audio, how did you find using it on your Traktor collection?

Did you find a way to easily swap in the processed files (with the _PN suffix) and not impact the Traktor ID3 tags, stripes, etc. ?


Best Answers

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    It's only an issue because PN produces a new output file by default, not overwriting the original. If that's your workflow then you need to do all this before you import this music into Traktor. If you have already imported your music and are now running PN on those music files, you'll need a mechanism to replace your original file with the new PN version but the same file name. There are some excellent Tag Editors out there to automate this (I'm a big fan of Yate for macOS).

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 232 Pro
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    After a long break, I'm using Platinum Notes 10 again.

    It seems something had changed with the _PN suffix in the new version.

    I use the option "replace the original file with the same name in the same storage location".
    This means that all software can find all the files as before.
    The original file is also saved by Platinum in a backup folder - so I can always go back to the original file if necessary.
    As I work with different systems from time to time, I don't need to worry about Autogain - whether CDJ's, Engine/Prime.

    But if you only use Traktor and use Autogain there, you certainly don't need Platinum.


  • RockyD
    RockyD Member Posts: 29 Member

    EDIT: Looks like it shouldn't be an issue if I select the option to use the input format and to overwrite the original files.

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    It's only an issue because PN produces a new output file by default, not overwriting the original. If that's your workflow then you need to do all this before you import this music into Traktor. If you have already imported your music and are now running PN on those music files, you'll need a mechanism to replace your original file with the new PN version but the same file name. There are some excellent Tag Editors out there to automate this (I'm a big fan of Yate for macOS).

  • RockyD
    RockyD Member Posts: 29 Member

    Thank you. Will check out Yate.

  • ilove1981
    ilove1981 Member Posts: 161 Advisor

    You're welcome. Yate (pronounced "Yah-Tay" if you're not aware!) is not completely straightforward to use out of the box, but is incredibly powerful and very well supported. If you need help, feel free to reach out.

  • viper9711
    viper9711 Member Posts: 232 Pro
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    After a long break, I'm using Platinum Notes 10 again.

    It seems something had changed with the _PN suffix in the new version.

    I use the option "replace the original file with the same name in the same storage location".
    This means that all software can find all the files as before.
    The original file is also saved by Platinum in a backup folder - so I can always go back to the original file if necessary.
    As I work with different systems from time to time, I don't need to worry about Autogain - whether CDJ's, Engine/Prime.

    But if you only use Traktor and use Autogain there, you certainly don't need Platinum.

  • RockyD
    RockyD Member Posts: 29 Member

    Thank you.

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