Traktor Pro 4.1.0 Stems problem.

TheBox Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi everyone, I have switched from Traktor 4.0.2 to Traktor 4.1.0, I use Stems and they were all generated with Traktor. After the upgrade many tracks are loaded in normal format and the Stems icon next to the track title disappears (and I have to regenerate the stem). I've already tried re-importing everything from the previous installation, resetting the default Stems folder, but the Stems continue not to be associated with the relevant track.I've also tried going back to the previous version of Traktor with a backup made before the update, but that didn't work either. I am desperate, because my collection is very large and I have spent many weeks generating all the Stems.
Does anyone have a solution? Thanks in advance for anyone who wants to help me.

Best Answers

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I had this problem a few times with v4.1.0 and stems created in older version of Traktor Pro 4. This is the reason why I stop creating stems file and deleted all my stems because if you have to do this every time there is an update it will be very long and frustrating problem and what happens when the stems algorithm gets updated you will need to redo all your stems again. I am just going to wait for real time stems to be implemented. Hopefully it's on the to do list and coming soon. You can try copying an older collection nml from a earlier version and see if that works.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,863 Expert
    Answer ✓


  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,210 mod

    You could edit the file 'collection.nml' that contains the connections.

    Compare the old file with working connections (look for a track that you know has a set of stems generated for it) with the new file without working connections and see what is different. Adjust the relevant references one by one. This is a bit more work but faster than regenerating the stems.

    Caveat: Do this at your own risk. I only recommend doing this if you have some experience with similiar kinds of coding/editing.

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I had this problem a few times with v4.1.0 and stems created in older version of Traktor Pro 4. This is the reason why I stop creating stems file and deleted all my stems because if you have to do this every time there is an update it will be very long and frustrating problem and what happens when the stems algorithm gets updated you will need to redo all your stems again. I am just going to wait for real time stems to be implemented. Hopefully it's on the to do list and coming soon. You can try copying an older collection nml from a earlier version and see if that works.

  • TheBox
    TheBox Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks for your help, I think I will wait at this point too. I didn't know they wanted to implement real time separation, this is great news, also because the current state of things is really frustrating.

  • TheBox
    TheBox Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I kindly ask you for another piece of information: where can I find the to do list of future Traktor features?
    Thank you!
    Ps: let's hope they hurry up with the real time separation.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,863 Expert
    Answer ✓
  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I said I hope that it's on the to do list, I have no idea what NI have in mind for any future update. All I can do is hope that they do. Because Like I said what happens if the stems separation algorithm gets better sometime in the future like it has for all the other DJ programs. We would have to redo thousands of songs over again. If Serato DJ, Virtual DJ and even Rekordbox DJ can do it even though Rekordbox DJ is not as fast as Virtual DJ or Serato DJ, and the quality is not as good as Virtual DJ and Serato. I have faith that it will only be a matter of time before NI join the real time stems algorithm implementation. Still🙏for 2x / 1/2 BPM sync and dynamic playlist/track match like in Traktor DJ 2 as well as fluid beat grids like Djay Pro 5.

  • TheBox
    TheBox Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I hope so too and I hope they do it soon..

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