Maschine 3 - Change Pitch without tempo, and vice versa

Willie Da Kid
Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

For the longest I’ve been in serious need of a function in the Maschine-software that allows me to change the pitch of an entire sample without changing the tempo, and vice versa, being able to change the tempo without changing the pitch…timestretching does not do the job effortlessly enough, both when it comes to the amount of parameters that have to be adjusted, not to mention the endresult sounding way too grainy and distorted…
I know Serato Sample and Ableton etc. have such a feature, is there an easy way to do it in Maschine-software, especially now they’ve upgraded to Maschine 3!?!?

Best Answer


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    Nothing changed in terms of the Audio Module and Stretching from V2 to V3, it's still the same.

  • Willie Da Kid
    Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    Forgot about the Audio Module, but that method doesn’t really work well with chopping up samples manually, does it…!? Or is there a way I haven’t spotted?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    No. Ussually people use the Audio-Plug for the stretching, then resample to another Pad for Slicing. I guess now with Maschine v3 you can use Bounce, then switch to the Sampler more easily to chop it up.

    PS. The Sampling destructive stretch (which i reckon you were talking about) still also sucks as bad as in v2, nothing changed neither.

  • Willie Da Kid
    Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    Apparantly they’ve added a “Pitchbend”-function in the “Voice Settings/Engine”-section next to the “Polyphony”, but I honestly can’t hear any difference…is it just me!?

  • Facedogg
    Facedogg Member Posts: 16 Member

    Pitchbend was in version 2 as well. it affects the range of the pitchbend paramater. it's set to 3 by default so if you move the pitch slider all the way to max or min it will transpose the sample + or - 3 semitones

  • Willie Da Kid
    Willie Da Kid Member Posts: 12 Newcomer

    Didn’t notice that, since I can’t hear the difference, but thank you!

    However it still leaves me missing two simple essential functions, with knobs: One for changing the pitch without changing the tempo, and vice versa…!

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