Kontakt 8 QuickLoad

Zephar_C Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

Kontakt 8 Browser non-rack with access to all the patches on the right can resize nicely to see most all of them at one time. However, after selecting QuickLoad or command F, the QuickLoad window does not appear. This is true also with Kontakt 7 . I've tried everything, as it would be so much easier to add patches to the quick load window to organize seeing all of the patches on the right side where the up-and-down keys function correctly in LogicPro.

In Rack-mode with the libraries stacked on the left side, QuickLoad appears. Unfortunately, difficult to access the banks and libraries and patches, and the keys do not function so one must click on everything which is very time-consuming. It's actually easier just to drag from the finder your favorite patches to QuickLoadinstrument, multi or bank areas for organization and quick access.

I'm fairly new to this platform and having to spend much time getting used to this interface. Any assistance, suggestions or links would be much appreciated. I cannot find anything at all concerning Kontakt 8 and using QuickLoad, searching Internet, YouTube videos, forum community. Almost all are giving directions with Kontakt 5, and only a few with Kontakt 7. Below is a ScreenShot of the Kontakt Browser view I am wanting to see access to QuickLoad. I have been unsuccessful so far, November 6, 2024.
Best, Seth

Best Answers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    At the moment accessing the quickloads is only available in Classic view. This feature request is in the backlog but there are other priorities at the moment.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    I think there is some confusion here, the quick load browser in K8 works the same as it does in K7, the only difference is now you can only access it when in classic view, which is functionally like having the K7 interface in Rack mode. So nothing is needing 'fixing' - this is just about understanding how these things work.

    I think the discussion about not being able to expand the list is referring to the Library browser (which was only introduced in K7) - that is not the Quickload browser, which is something that goes way back. Here is how the quick load browser looks in both versions.

    There is definitely a problem with the Library browser not being able to move the centre slider to expand the preset list - I certainly hope that one is fixed

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    Answer ✓

    That’s not the Quickload browser, as I showed above, the one in your screenshot is the Library browser, that’s where the problem lies with resizing the search results column


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    At the moment accessing the quickloads is only available in Classic view. This feature request is in the backlog but there are other priorities at the moment.

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    yes, I’m beginning to realize what’s going on after being a new user for a few weeks.
    At the moment Kontakt 7 still allows to expand the patches window on the right, as well as the quick load window. Kontakt 8 only allows you to move it a little bit to the left, but does not allow more than one row of patches, sort of ridiculous, even having the feature as it takes up more room, gives you no more patches to view. And you can not change the size of the quick load window at all. You’re left with a tiny little rectangle at the bottom right to try to manipulate things. The best you can do is increase the percent view size, but then you can’t see anything else as LogicPro covered. code is painful. But what other priorities are you speaking of? I probably have not gotten there yet. Still trying to figure out why things don’t work as written in NI instructions and product descriptions. I was thinking I was doing something wrong or my configuration was not working correctly, but that’s just how it’s working at the moment. Could’ve saved me a lot of time if they would’ve been more accurate of how things work and don’t work at the moment.

    Again, thank you for your kind attention and accurate information.

    Best, Seth

  • harryope
    harryope Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, just to add some noise to this - accessing quickload should be a priority fix. Hugely important to be able to navigate around the various sample libraries we all have, especially for those libraries that aren't available as "Kontakt libraries" you're left searching through various sample hard disks each time. Then, in classic mode, if you can't expand the size of the quick load window I literally can't see the file names for lots of the specific articulations for orchestral samples as they are too long so I just get Violin… aaaarrrgh!

    Please bump this up the priority list if you can as this is not just a nice to have feature - it is a fundamental piece of the jigsaw.

    Thanks, Harry

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    edited November 2024 Answer ✓

    I think there is some confusion here, the quick load browser in K8 works the same as it does in K7, the only difference is now you can only access it when in classic view, which is functionally like having the K7 interface in Rack mode. So nothing is needing 'fixing' - this is just about understanding how these things work.

    I think the discussion about not being able to expand the list is referring to the Library browser (which was only introduced in K7) - that is not the Quickload browser, which is something that goes way back. Here is how the quick load browser looks in both versions.

    There is definitely a problem with the Library browser not being able to move the centre slider to expand the preset list - I certainly hope that one is fixed

  • Zephar_C
    Zephar_C Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Only able to get one row of presets no matter how far to the left I make the quickload window, whereas previously you could get many rows of presets to view. Now there's just a big empty space on the right side. I think that is something they'll fix and probably a bug, yes? Seth

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod
    Answer ✓

    That’s not the Quickload browser, as I showed above, the one in your screenshot is the Library browser, that’s where the problem lies with resizing the search results column

  • Seth T.
    Seth T. Member Posts: 8 Newcomer

    Ah yes, that is not QuickLoad, but viewing the presets in the default view. But Iam able to move the window to the left, opening a larger space on the right side, but only one row of presets shows no matter how far to the left. Previously, Kontakt 7, it would show three or four rows of presets, or more depending on how much of LogicPro you want to cover up. Thank you for the correction. I’ve only been trying to learn the format for a couple weeks now, watching a lot of videos. Unfortunately, one cannot add to QuickLoad in the new view, which confuses me because in the drop-down view menu the QuickLoad option is checked. But, I believe that was the case previously as well. That makes no sense to me since you can see more presets, and it would be so much easier to add to QuickLoad if available, in that same view.
    Best, Seth.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,371 mod

    Yeah I don’t like having the 2 views now either and it is confusing

  • dougieb
    dougieb Member Posts: 14 Member

    ^ This. Yeah other than crashes, it is difficult to imagine something that could be a higher priority than this.

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