Guitar Rig 5 won't open presets containing transient master

eric moon
eric moon Member Posts: 6 Member

This has worked in the past, that's how I got these presets, and I DO have transient master installed via NA. It works fine by itself.

Can't use Guitar Rig 6, because it won't open on my machine…

Tried on two different computers. What do I do???

I think I have Komplete 11, but don't know where to look….


  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    All of your registered software should be located in the Native Access Installer and at the NI website upon logging into your account and navigating to the My Products and Serials page. That's where you'd find all of your purchases registered to your account (Komplete 11).

    GR5 is kind of dated tho so, not sure if NI is still offering any support.

    Have you looked into why GR6 won't open?

  • eric moon
    eric moon Member Posts: 6 Member

    Yeah, NI is not great about maintaining support for older software.

    Haven't looked into the GR6 issue, since all my presets were created under GR5, and have been working fine for years… I guess I'll try opening a support ticket. Probably need an older version of TM to use GR5.

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