Where can i find Maschine 3 fx.dll???

SFG Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

Hey guys how are you doing?

I had a question!

A few days ago I bought the Maschine 3 upgrade. When I went to install it I could only find Maschine 3.dll and not Maschine 3 fx.dll. I need Maschine 3 fx.dll to use it as an effect instead of a generator and to put it in my FL Studio master channel since that is my workflow. Do you have any idea where I can find that dll. because I am at my wits end. I have asked NI support center but it takes forever to get a response from them.

Thanks in advance!



  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,235 mod

    I don't think that's available anymore. From what I remember it was VST2 only, I'll take a look at my Windows system later to check, unless @Matthew_NI can confirm one way or the other. You could leave Maschine 2 installed and use the M2 FX version?

  • SFG
    SFG Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    @mykejb Thanks for the quick response!

    It would be disappointing if it is no longer available, since I have been using the ''fx.dll'' since Maschine 1. Please let me know if you have found it in your Windows system. @Matthew_NI Could you possibly give me more information about this issue?

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