Maschine 3.0 General Discussion



  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 824 Pro
    edited November 2024

    this may have already been mentioned…

    but now you can route +16 stereo inputs through maschine…. which is a big plus in my eyes!

    well done NI… worth the price of admission for that! very cool &thanks

  • tetsuneko
    tetsuneko Member Posts: 825 Expert

    +16 inputs would be nice on the M+ as well, once it gets the 3.0 compatibility update

  • Ojustaboo
    Ojustaboo Member Posts: 347 Pro
    edited November 2024

    Just seen the price, only £25 looks like I won’t have to wait after all yay

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    I posted a screen grab of the release notes - click here

  • Deepmind
    Deepmind Member Posts: 4 Member

    The update for 29 € was worth it.
    Now I know for sure that I made the right decision to switch to Ableton Live 3 years ago.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2024

    Maschine never had a downloadable demo but does have a DEMO mode, it sure is strange, maybe this could be addressed for users on the fence about updating? @Matthew_NI

    as per current NA2 release notes: (EDIT just noticed you mentioned pack, my bad, i'll leave this here anyway since we cant copy-paste from NA2)


    Ability to separate Sampler audio into Vocals/Bass/Drums/Other stems


    Ability to bounce in place, rendering MIDI Sound Slots to Audio to save CPU, or for resampling


    Ability to import/load MP3, MP4, FLAC, OGG


    Ability to set custom tempos per scene


    Ability to Split/Join/Erase/Mute/Draw/Hear/Point/Pencil and use a Computer MIDI keyboard using new MIDI editing tools


    Audio Preview of MIDI note editing


    Basic Kontrol S MK3 integration for Transport, Play Assist, and NKS plug-in hosting and control when used with Maschine 3 standalone application


    Ability to properly Reset Playhead to Zero


    Ability for Maschine 3 VST3 to automatically replace Maschine 2 in DAWs that support this


    Support for HiDPI plug in hosting (varies per DAW)


    Update KPI plugin view below the Mixer


    Support for the latest version of Ableton Link, including Start/Stop messages


    Expanded I/O (up to 16 stereo, 32 mono channels)


    New darker user interface for visual comfort during longer creative sessions


    A large number of miscellaneous bugs


    Severe HiDPI plug-in hosting issues introduced with Pro Tools 2024.10. Workaround: roll back to Pro Tools 2024.06 and don't override the default HiDPI settings in Windows application properties


    HiDPI plug-in hosting issues with Ableton Live unless properly configured. Workaround: Right-click Machine 3 in your plug-in list, de-select "Auto-Scale Plug-in Window", and restart Ableton Live


    HiDPI plug-in hosting issues with FL Studio unless properly configured. This should work by default. Workaround: open Maschine 3 plug-in, open the "VST Wrapper Settings" icon, ensure "DPI Aware" toggle is turned on


    HiDPI plug-in hosting issues with Cubase unless properly configured. This should work by default. Workaround: don't override the default HiDPI settings in Windows application properties


    Maschine 3 not yet compatible with Maschine Plus. This is coming soon

  • DiosGnosis
    DiosGnosis Member Posts: 226 Advisor

    I stand by it as well. This is after an unpleasant M+ purchase fiasco through NI earlier this year.

    Not every at bat is a home run, but NI has proven to stand by their products consistently from my end user experience.

    The pricing is painfully generous in my opinion ($69 for the software & accessories in my case).

    As a Komplete 14 CE owner, I prolly could have forgone all the ‘fixins’ and just gone with the software update ($29 in my case), but at such an approachable price point for the bundle, seemed like a no brainer to me.

    Plus, voting with my wallet is more at the forefront of my spending and, at least for me, NI, warts and all, is a worthwhile company to cast dollars as votes for.

  • Rico010
    Rico010 Member Posts: 140 Advisor
    edited November 2024

    there is a problem with the update license. looks like it is available for only those who previously bought Maschine 2.0 license separately. For owners of Maschine+ which includes 2.0 but does not list it in your account as a separate license - it says you are not eligible for update when trying to buy 3.0 update

    I posted it as a seperate question.
    anyone here with sale problem?

  • Jean Voyage
    Jean Voyage Member Posts: 83 Advisor

    Why are there no sampler improvements in the 3.0 update (particularly time stretch and a stereo-mono utility)?

    I think these were among the most requested features in your polls, yet the only thing we got is a subpar stem separation gimmick.

    Will update once a time stretch and utility update comes to Maschine+ (which I registered today and only got the 2.0 software)

  • BudoNL
    BudoNL Member Posts: 1 Member

    Even my 9y old nephew could in 11 years learn codding and release the new "features" which you guys did. I would be ashamed to even release that or call it a release. That "release" is more of a 2.19 patch.

    Shame on you NI! R.I.P

  • Kryosleep
    Kryosleep Member Posts: 3 Member

    Still no audio tracks, sadly. Recording audio via sampler just feels unintuitive.
    Did anything new got implemented routing-wise?

  • AdelV
    AdelV Member Posts: 384 Guru

    Tempo per scene is a gamechanger for me because I can finally slow down some parts of my arrangement. It’s even more important than stems because I have already Serato Sample. But stem separations is also very welcome. Overall for 30 bucks it’s amazing value. 🤩🙏

    Thanks you @Matthew_NI and Maschine team for hard work. I know that we are expecting sometimes too much and it’s not easy to read some comments but overall Maschine is amazing piece of software and I hope you guys gonna make it event better in future.

    Thanks! 🫶👌

  • jakubpatok
    jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor

    I would say that some of the features are pretty nice. The price for the update is not very high too. I think I could have some fun with the stem separation function or perhaps use the MIDI editing features from time to time. I'm glad that there's some kind of integration with Komplete Kontrol MK3 keyboard, which might make me buy one of them finally. However, I cannot believe that some very simple to implement options are still not there. Still no legato option? This seems very easy to put in the software, especially that now we have some additional MIDI options. Still no Plugin Delay Compensation? Izotope is now an integral part of Native Instruments but we still cannot use their plugins in Maschine… I think people (including me) have been begging for PDC for many years. Still no aftertouch? I think that even Maschine MK3 has this feature but nobody has been able to use it because the dedicated software doesn't allow us to use it. It was a great opportunity to bring aftertouch into Maschine software now when we have some integration with the MIDI controller, the flagship feature of which was polyphonic aftertouch. Don't get me wrong - I don't want to be another one complaining about what's missing, but it's so apparent that little is offered with this update. Adding two or three other simple options like legato or aftertouch would make the update look much more appealing for many people. I don't want to demand adding some improvements in automation again, because I know that not everything needs to come straight away and maybe some other features will be added in the future, but I cannot help but think that the update is a bit disappointing. There is some cool stuff about all of that, and I'm glad that we have clear signs that Maschine software is finally being improved, but there are still so many simple things to be added that this update seems like a wasted opportunity. I hope that future 3.x versions will add some more features that have been requested by community for many years.

  • Cretin Dilettante
    Cretin Dilettante Member Posts: 236 Pro

    The expanded I/O is actually really nice. I often use about 24-32 tracks worth of audio across all groups/sounds & have to reroute stuff and playback my tracks twice to get them into Ableton. (I like to play Maschine as a groovebox, into the DAW, so that I don't have to make as many edits or draw much automation.)

  • dusty
    dusty Member Posts: 27 Member

    Purchasing a boxed new Mikro from a third party (authorised) dealer.

    Can you confirm that this will include

    (1) Komplete Select 15 (either band/beat/electronic) (~31GB for band version full installation)

    + (2) Maschine 3 software

    + (3) Maschine Central Library (7GB)

    this appears to be the included software from

    ~~ products/maschine/production-systems/maschine-mikro/compare/ on the NI product page

    but is same offer from third party authorize dealers?

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