Traktor input routing issue for single timecode

FluidZ Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

Hello everyone,

I have a weird issue of Input Routing since I update to the latest Traktor pro 4.1.0.

My setup is Traktor audio scratch A6 / Phase Dj, single timecode. I use the same Input entry for both Channel A and B for this purpose but since the last update traktor if one of the input Channel is already selectionned it won't allow the other to get the same signal too…

I open traktor pro 3 and the my setup work perfectly ….. I think i just the last update of traktor pro 4.1.0 who is bugged in some way…..

I hope they will fix it soon or reply to my email… if anyone have the same issue please keep me updated 🙏



  • rndm__
    rndm__ Member Posts: 5 Member

    Yup, having the exact same issue. Using a Rane Twelve MK2 sending timecode signal to Traktor. As interface I'm using a RME UFX, and running MacOs Sequioa.

    It used to work just fine on Traktor Pro 4.01. And works flawlessly with the last Traktor Pro 3 version. Makes the current Traktor version unusable to me.

    On a side note: the Traktor 4 color scheme is a downgrade in legibility.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    @Allan_NI could this ^ be a regression from adding "Support for audio interfaces with 12+ channels"?

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited November 2024

    I was just thinking that too… That would be a huge mistake. I'll check it with my Rane Twelves this evening and give feedback. (The fun thing with these players is that you can control up to 4 decks with just one device…)

  • FluidZ
    FluidZ Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thank you all for your Quick feedback !

    I'm waiting for the feedback from NI by email.

    My next gig is this saturday 😓

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    They not going to fix that until then. I would downgrade.

    Btw, what is your usecase with one phase controller for two decks?

  • FluidZ
    FluidZ Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    I use only one phase / one turntable as a single timecode for efficiency and space. And I have shortcut to switch from deck A to deck B.... and I'm way better with my right hand to scratch 😉

    What is the way to downgrade ? Thought native acces platform ?

  • FluidZ
    FluidZ Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    It's OK I found a way to downgrade traktor and everything work fine on the previous one

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,866 Expert

    Actually, no need to downgrade.

    In the C:\Program Files\Native Instruments/Traktor Pro 4 folder there should be another folder called backup. From there you can start the old version. Not sure where it is on mac os.

  • Owner
    Owner Member Posts: 594 Guru
    edited November 2024

    @Allan_NI I was also able to reproduce the error in TP 4.1

    My setup was a DJM-S11 and a RANE Twelve MKII, the input channel for Deck A was 1 and 2 and the output channel was also 1 and 2.

    The input channel for Deck C was 1 and 2 and the output channel was 5 and 6.

    As soon as I select channels 1 and 2 on Deck C in the preferences, no timecode signal is received on Deck A anymore. There is also a loud plopping sound when you change the channels.

    Changing Decks on the Rane Twelves MKII doesn't work either.

    With TP 4.0.2, however, both still work without any problems. You can share the input signal with each other and also change the Decks on the players. The selected Deck can then be controlled immediately with timecode and the other jumps to the internal play mode and back again, as excepted.

    Short Video with TP 4.1 and the bug

    Short Video with TP 4.0.2 an without the bug

    btw: If we can't even change decks on the fly, this bug makes the Rane Twelve even more useless than it already is, because no one ever took care of the playhead skipping bug (TP-17638 Playhead skipping with on the Rane Twelve MK2)!

  • Pavel DarkLights
    Pavel DarkLights Member Posts: 4 Member

    I use two timecodes to control 4 channels in the tractor, and switch them between internal i relative modes on the mixer (Z2).

    Faced the same problem. I'm glad that I'm not the only one, I started to blame my hardware 😥

  • Martiniix_NI
    Martiniix_NI Customer Care Posts: 387 mod


    Thanks for the update and the videos, we are gonna take a look into this and update you about this issue soon.

  • thealien247
    thealien247 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I have the same problem. has anybody been able to fix it? I just upgraded from traktor 3 to 4 and now I'm having the same fault. Running a MacBook Pro M1 Pro chip machine osx sequoia, using a rane, 12 Mk 2 as controller.

  • FluidZ
    FluidZ Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    so ? any feedback ? @nativeinstrument never reply to my post here or even by email…..

    been using traktor for 14 years and i'm more desapointed than never on how you let you customer without any feedback and more… without new good hardware. 2025 is a good year to switch to an other software and hardware.

  • thealien247
    thealien247 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I have reached out to native instruments regarding this issue. I have also messaged this guy that's in this chat. That supposedly is a native instruments CUSTOMER CARE employee Martiniix_NI . So just to be clear, I am having the exact same problems as the rest of the people in this discussion Only one channel at a time allows time code signal from the same source. I notice Martiniix_NI that you replied to this discussion on 21 November 2024 and said that you would update information about this issue soon. Well I have just purchased the upgrade to traktor pro 4 today and I have been using tractor tor over 15 years, I'm a professional DJ I need it to work. We need a fix for this ASAP. This problem is cross platform I'm running Mac M1 Pro sequoia, Pioneer A9 mixer with the latest drivers, this setup works fine with traktor pro 3. It seems to a software not hardware fault. NI please sort this out thanks

  • Steve28
    Steve28 Member Posts: 14 Member

    Martiniix_NI ???

    I'm looking for an update everyday as it should come soon since November !

    Please 🙏

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