How do I access Pattern Arrange mode on my mk3?

Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

This is from the latest manual.

Unfortunately this isn't what happens when I press the Arranger button. Instead of seeing the Pattern button as button 2 I see a button labelled Clip. This shows me the entire song in the Left Hand Window and the entire song as a Clip in the Right Hand Window. This is not a view I want. I want the Pattern Arrange mode as described in the current manual.

How do I access the Pattern Arrange mode on my MK3 ?


Best Answer

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓


    The info is from the latest downloadable manual, so well after clips were introduced.

    You're misunderstanding… The latest version of the manual doesn't = that it's up to date with the software, it's a gigantic manual with thousands of pictures, very often it as a few mistakes and/or outdated info like in this case, but.. I could be wrong. 🤷‍♂️

    I want to be able to see the Pattern Arranger mode, which shows me the entire pattern on the left and a zoomed in version on the right.

    Does this view actually exist?

    It does, I just explained how to see it in the previous post, it's in the Events Menu.

    If it doesn't maybe NI can remove the entire chapter of the manual that relates to this and actually put in something about what they've replaced it with. It's a bit rubbish that the manual for Maschine Mk3 doesn't actually reflect how the product actually works.

    Perhaps, I doubt they are even aware. For this simple stuff you might be better off pressing buttons and seeing what happens.

    Maybe we need a more official way to report manual mistakes.


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2024

    Pretty sure that info is from before Clips were introduced and is outdated, that whole section of the manual actually… Pressing Arranger then Pattern just shows the normal Pattern Menu even tho Arranger (Ideas/Song on M+) buttons stays lit (for no reason?)

    Just press the Pattern top-button-1 to switch to Pattern Mode.

    If what you want is to see the Pattern MIDI Data on both screens with 2 different zooms like in the (outdated) manual then just press the "Events" button instead.

    TBH I don't see much advantage in seeing the same data on both screens when arranging, having the 2nd screen showing all Patterns to pick from seems more usefull in terms of arranging a song… Maybe it's helpfull on huge patterns with small differences? If so, just check it in the Pattern Menu.

  • Lionzinio
    Lionzinio Member Posts: 135 Pro

    The info is from the latest downloadable manual, so well after clips were introduced.

    The Pattern Arranger mode described is a completely different view to the one you see when you press the Pattern button next to the pads. This view shows me what my pattern looks like on an individual level outside the Song environment.

    I want to be able to see the Pattern Arranger mode, which shows me the entire pattern on the left and a zoomed in version on the right.

    Does this view actually exist? Or has it been entirely removed?

    If it exists, how do I get to it?

    If it doesn't maybe NI can remove the entire chapter of the manual that relates to this and actually put in something about what they've replaced it with. It's a bit rubbish that the manual for Maschine Mk3 doesn't actually reflect how the product actually works.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓


    The info is from the latest downloadable manual, so well after clips were introduced.

    You're misunderstanding… The latest version of the manual doesn't = that it's up to date with the software, it's a gigantic manual with thousands of pictures, very often it as a few mistakes and/or outdated info like in this case, but.. I could be wrong. 🤷‍♂️

    I want to be able to see the Pattern Arranger mode, which shows me the entire pattern on the left and a zoomed in version on the right.

    Does this view actually exist?

    It does, I just explained how to see it in the previous post, it's in the Events Menu.

    If it doesn't maybe NI can remove the entire chapter of the manual that relates to this and actually put in something about what they've replaced it with. It's a bit rubbish that the manual for Maschine Mk3 doesn't actually reflect how the product actually works.

    Perhaps, I doubt they are even aware. For this simple stuff you might be better off pressing buttons and seeing what happens.

    Maybe we need a more official way to report manual mistakes.

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