What is the correct way to use Neutron 4?

Thank you for your time and assistance. I did a search here in the community, but couldn’t find what I needed. I also read the Neutron 4 user’s manual, but still need help. I was using Neutron 4 Elements, and it was very easy, I just put an instance of the plug in on each track and used the Assistant. Now I’m using the full version of Neutron 4, and I’m unclear how to use it to its fullest potential. The manual says to put Neutron 4 on either each track or the master bus, not both. I put Relay on each track, then put the Visual Mixer on the master bus. Then I use the Mix Assistant. This takes care of volume and panning, but I still want to use the mothership’s Assistant on each track, so I can take advantage of EQ, compression, etc. Can I have the Visual Mixer on the master bus, and regular Neutron 4 on each track? The manual has me confused, I want to take advantage of everything Neutron 4 has to offer. Thank you so much!

Best Answer

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 244 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    Sorry guys, I don't want to add confusion, but as far I know, you can use neutron in every track as it actually identify the instruments automatically (vocals, guitars, keys, bass, drums etc..), which means it is designed to be on a track basis, or busses. I believe you can use it exactly how you were using the element version, as in the background is doing the same processing, you just not have control of them.

    Basically Neutron 4 is the same as Neutron 4 element, but you can customise it more.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    @Sunborn , please excuse me for pinging you but you were the only one I could think off that I am sure will be able to answer this question with ease 🙂

  • Boy Scout
    Boy Scout Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Thank you PoorFellow! I re-read the user’s manual and I think I understand now, but I welcome feedback from this community.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Nothing to excuse mate :-)
    however i do not use Neutron, so i do not know it at all…

    However, if it is similar to Ozone, Waves and other mastering tools
    then its most common purpose is to be at the Master output channel, not everywhere.
    But i assume that Neutron is a bit different…

    "The manual says to put Neutron 4 on either each track or the master bus, not both"

    Very correct, especially if it involves some type of Sidechain. You may end-up with a disturbing over-compressed sound, or it might bring you CPU power to its knees…
    But, as i wrote, i do not know who exactly Neutron works, so……

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 244 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    Sorry guys, I don't want to add confusion, but as far I know, you can use neutron in every track as it actually identify the instruments automatically (vocals, guitars, keys, bass, drums etc..), which means it is designed to be on a track basis, or busses. I believe you can use it exactly how you were using the element version, as in the background is doing the same processing, you just not have control of them.

    Basically Neutron 4 is the same as Neutron 4 element, but you can customise it more.

  • donmaddonald
    donmaddonald Member Posts: 244 Advisor

    one more thing, Izotope flagships divide the processing in 3 types.

    Nectar specialises in vocals (lead, backgrounds and bus), so each module of nectar it is specifically designed for vocals, (tuning, harmony, modulations, eq compressor etc…)

    Neutron is designed for mixing (tracks and busses) and each module specialises in that, (unmasking, tone balancing, saturation, eq, compressors etc…)

    Ozone is designed for mastering and each module specialises on that (linear eq, exciter, limiter, all sort of dynamic processors and dither etc..)

    however you can interchange the modules how you want but as standard that is the idea behind it.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,446 mod

    Very correct. No confusion here, i would rather say that you enlighted things.

    As i said, i don't know Neutron. What i wrote above, it is valid for mastering suites (though there are exceptions to every rule).

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod

    Thank you at Sunborn for his effort (and of course also at donmaddonald) .

    I compiled some links yesterday but I didn't think it the answer to the question here as such so I didn't place the links. But if anyone is interested in a more generalized Neutron help then I have compiled this list of links :

    How to mix your music with iZotope’s Neutron
    How to Use Everything in iZotope Neutron 4, Audio Mixing Plug-in | From Scratch
    How to Use Assistant View in iZotope Neutron 4
    More : Getting Started with Neutron 4
    More , 8 pages of links : Neutron Tips & Tutorials

  • Boy Scout
    Boy Scout Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    You guys are awesome, thank you! I re-read the manual, it was my mistake, it says put Neutron 4 on either every track, or busses, it doesn’t say master bus! Earlier in the manual it says literally to use the visual mixer so it can influence the Neutron 4 mothership. It all makes sense now, thanks to you guys too. Thank you so much and have a great day……..

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,003 mod
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