Kontakt 8 upgrade causing long save times and Maschine crashes when saving

Electromusicproject Member Posts: 27 Member

On Mac M2, Ventura, any Maschine project opened since K8 upgrade, that uses instances of Kontakt, such as play series instruments, intermittently crashes Maschine on project save. Also, the save times on a small project vary from a few seconds to 5 minutes, with the spinning wheel… as an experiment, I cleaned out all caches, reinstalled Maschine and Kontakt, uninstalling all the prefs files first. Then, I saved each group in one of my projects currently broken by the upgrade. Made a new project with these groups, to rule out the project file being corrupted. I then made projects that don’t use Kontakt.
thenonly random test I did that seemed to have any effect, was saving snapshots of every Kontakt instrument in the project, as I hoped if Kontakt 8 ‘owned’ the previously Kontakt 7 patches, they might save. It seemed to work… but then it didn’t. Save times fluctuating on the same project. I moved projects then to internal drive, Apfs drive and another drive. Checked permissions on these drives were read and write for all, and checked full disk access.

Have done support ticket. Just inquiring if anyone else has K8 upgrade issues specifically to do with saving projects. Have not tried opening older logic projects that use Kontakt yet……


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited October 2024

    Hey Dave, what's your operating system? There were reports of users experiencing longer saving times for projects containing Kontakt 8 tracks, but only on on Windows. Is it with the very last update from yesterday? 8.1.0? Or was it with 8.0.1? If it's the latter, we'd recommend to update to 8.1.0. There are a lot of bug fixes in there.

  • Electromusicproject
    Electromusicproject Member Posts: 27 Member

    Jeremy, I hope I can help with this after much dabbling. I’ve tried every imaginable solution from changing USB cables, deleting libraries all sorts of things. What I’ve discovered is if I remove ‘fables’ from an external drive that was formatted as APFS case sensitive mechanical drive, and move it to a faster SSD APFS not case sensitive, all of the problems are gone. So it seems the solution in my case, is that kontakt 7 could address this drive and kontakt 8 cant. No more issues at the moment thanks for your support and I hope that information helps. I’ve ordered a new drive and will format it the same as the working one. I don’t know if it was the case sensitivity that was a problem or just K8 doesn’t like this older drive. So basically, reading fables from a drive was causing the whole whole maschine project to not save. So I have got things working, but I’d be interested to know what the final solution to this is in the future

  • Electromusicproject
    Electromusicproject Member Posts: 27 Member

    I updated and the 8.0.1 did not help in this situation. I hope what I have discovered can help some other people, I’m sure there are some people with older mechanical drives or who have accidentally formatted them as case sensitive. It could be that. 🤷‍♂️

  • jseguin
    jseguin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I'm glad you found a solution Dave but I've seen this since upgrading to Kontakt 8 as well. I just updated to the latest but it did not fix the issue. The only fix I've found is to load instruments in Kontakt 7 and then my save times are back to being reasonable.

    One "clue" I've found that may help you @Jeremy_NI and others in support is that the save times in Logic seem to be PROPORTIONAL to size of the instruments loaded in Kontakt 8. I have several very large instruments loaded (Cinematic Studio Strings) where even with one articulation loaded and the preload size minimized to 6kB these instruments are all 1GB+ in size (and I have all 4 string groups loaded on the project I'm testing this on). (My machine has plenty of overhead with 32GB of RAM)

    This is a very small project — only about 8 tracks but with those larger instruments loaded up in Kontakt 7 the save time is about 1 second but with Kontakt 8 for those 4 instruments the save time jumps to 9-10 second of spinning beach ball. (and much more when I load up even more of these large instruments). @Electromusicproject are you running some large instruments as well?


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @Electromusicproject Thanks for the update, we do not recommend Case sensitive drives, as mentioned here: Notes on Hard Drive Formats on Mac Computers

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    edited October 2024

    @jseguin `thanks for the report, we're actually investigating an issue on longer times to save on Windows here:

    I'm taking notes of what you wrote, and will check if there are other reports on Mac.

  • jseguin
    jseguin Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Thanks @Jeremy_NI — should I cross-post over there then? It sounds like the product team person is also using a Mac and may benefit from trying LARGE libraries like Cinematic Studios Strings to recreate. I bet others are using large libraries as well.

    In my current project to recreate this I moved only those large instruments over to 7 which solved the issue, I kept the much more modest instruments on 8. It was the big ones that made the difference!

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    You're right, no need, I've contacted you by email and my colleagues will have a deeper look into this.

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