Has N-I EVER responded to ANYONE when their products simply don't work?



  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert
    edited October 2024


    "But in the roaring silence I have no such assurance, hence the anger and frustration"

    I get it. We all get it.

    But strong-arming your way to the top of the board - is really not scoring points or going to help.

    Anyway - onward.

    I see the screencap. Thank you.

    Next stop - if this was my thing - is a look into the Win 11 Event Viewer. It will record the crash and hopefully give us some more detail on what is going on. I have an idea what it going on - but need to see you Event Viewer readout to be certain.

    Post up a screencap of EV and lets see what can be done.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod

    Thank you for the information. Next step would logically be to supply the crash log if it is not too big and if not containing any personal information.

    But just to satisfy my curiosity , could you then please uninstall Kontakt 6 and after that run the N.I. reg tool to remove any mention of Kontakt 6 if there ? Then reboot PC and then run this installer as an Admin : Kontakt 6.6.1 (Player) . Then please try running the stand-alone Kontakt 6

    I do not expect you to run "strange files" from strangers on the internet so you can also get the link at the right of where it says Windows 7 on this page : Kontakt (Player) Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems , the direct link supplied by me is solely for your convenience.

    This is solely to test if the older version will run where the newer will not, chance might be remote but IMO ought to be at least tested.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod
    edited October 2024

    IF I knew for certain that I could pay $100 to upgrade to Kontakt 8 and it would definitely work, I would do that

    I don't know if you need the full version for unlicensed libraries but otherwise there might be a misunderstanding here. The Kontakt 8 Player version is completely free to test.

    And we might have plenty of links for previous versions for download .

  • Gipper17
    Gipper17 Member Posts: 22 Member

    VP: I'm not sure what you mean by "strong-arming my way to the top".

    I'm not familiar with EV, but on your suggestion I looked. It was not obvious. However I am seeing that coming to this forum was a mistake and I apologize for occupying your time

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod
    edited October 2024

    Vocalpoint: I do know what you mean. My apologies if I've offended anyone.

    Most of us here can understand your frustration . Also VocalPoint usually always means well.

  • Gipper17
    Gipper17 Member Posts: 22 Member

    I apologize to all. I just have one last request, how do I quit this forum and remove my name? I have looked but cannot see any obvious way out. If someone will assist me with that I will no longer cast a dark cloud on your day.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod

    VP: I'm not sure what you mean by "strong-arming my way to the top".

    I'm not familiar with EV, but on your suggestion I looked. It was not obvious. However I am seeing that coming to this forum was a mistake and I apologize for occupying your time

    Don't worry , we would like to assist if we can. With respect to VP then don't worry , he usually means well even if sometimes being a bit direct.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,253 Expert

    And my apologies to you for being direct and trying to assist.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod
    edited October 2024

    I apologize to all. I just have one last request, how do I quit this forum and remove my name? I have looked but cannot see any obvious way out. If someone will assist me with that I will no longer cast a dark cloud on your day.

    Please relax , you are not clouding anyone's day , it's evening here. No seriously your are not 'clouding' , at least not for me. Removing your account is extremely easy for a Moderators such as I but of course I will not do that without sufficient cause. We/I and N.I. I am sure will all try to assist as best we can.

  • Gipper17
    Gipper17 Member Posts: 22 Member

    Poorfellow: Recognizing that you do not work for N-I, can you nevertheless tell me, or speak with someone at N-I to answer this question: "If I spend $99 and upgrade to Kontakt 8, can I be 100% assured that when I download this onto my new Windows 11 computer it will work, and there is no danger of me throwing good money after bad by spending another $99?". Thanks!

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,013 mod
    edited October 2024

    "If I spend $99 and upgrade to Kontakt 8, can I be 100% assured that when I download this onto my new Windows 11 computer it will work, and there is no danger of me throwing good money after bad by spending another $99?".

    Nobody can give you any guarantees other than tell you how it is in general. Which is that generally then Windows 11 is supported by Kontakt 8. However you need to be aware that in most DAWs then there is no automatically replacing of the previous Kontakt version plugin , meaning that as far as I have understood then if you have old DAW projects using an old version of Kontakt then you might have to manually replace the old Kontakt plugin with the new version . Also if you have old projects then please back them up prior to opening them in a new Kontakt version as the old project version might be altered by opening ?/saving in a newer version.

    Also I know for a fact that the only real answer that someone N.I. usually gives to a question like the one posed by you here is to tell you that the Kontakt 8 Player version is free to try and test before that you buy the full version. So testing the Player version is usually the way to find out how well it runs for you.

    Also then please, I am sure that N.I. will do their best to support you and any new purchase that you might make , but that might however not meet the expectations that you expressed prior with respect to a , by your standards, sufficiently expedient fix of any problems. Also , no one can ever guarantee that no user specific problems could arise that could be caused by user specific configuration of, or problems with, hardware of software (e.g. OS).

    So I can only recommend that you try the free Player version to test the software.

    Let me know if you need help with anything else N.I. software not covered by previous suggestions and I will do my best to advise. It's a bit late here though so I might not be back before tomorrow and Jeremy_NI might even beat me to it 🙂

    Have a nice day and take care 🙂

  • DunedinDragon
    DunedinDragon Member Posts: 1,034 Guru

    I'm not sure anyone could "guarantee" such a thing because so much is going to be dependent upon your setup and your efforts to get it running. We're all in the same boat using similar software. Like you I'm on Windows but I'm still on 10 at this point. I seldom have had any significant problems with any of my NI software, but I'm pretty meticulous when it comes to maintaining and organizing my computer and reading manuals so I'm prepared to deal with things that might come up and self diagnose most issues.

    But all users are not cut from the same cloth. What few issues I've ever had have either been resolved here on this forum or infrequently with direct interaction with support by creating a ticket. More often than not when I have placed a ticket I have figured out my problem and gotten past it by the time support reaches out to me in a few days. Other users have much greater problems. But given the software is the same for all of us the difference generally comes down to the user and how well they understand the system.

    But ANY complex piece of software, and NI software IS complex, a lot depends on the user having a certain level of proficiency to diagnose the characteristics of the problem to help guide support to finding the solution. Most often it's a misunderstanding about how things work rather than a "bug" in my experience.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    @Gipper17 I see that you are in contact with my colleagues regarding your issues so that should answer your initial question. Of course we have a dedicated customer support and I'm sure my colleagues will walk you through the solution to your problem.

  • Gipper17
    Gipper17 Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi DunnedinDragon: Thank you for your comments, and while I believe you have made excellent points please let me clarify what meant by "guarantee performance".

    I do not pretend to understand the complexities of writing music software, and in particular software that can be used to create other software by developers. And while I understand your comment about it requiring a certain amount of proficiency and knowledge by the user, I'd like you to consider my situation in particular and please tell me where I'm wrong.

    If I purchase Excel 2013 for $300 and all I want to do is to add cell A1 to cell B1 and put the result in cell C1, I think everyone would agree that I need no proficiency or knowledge to do this. Even if a developer has created a "SUM" function so I just type in C1 = SUM (A1+B1).

    Now let's suppose I paid $150 for that "SUM" function. And the developer has confirmed that it will work with Excel 2013, Excel 2015, and Excel 2019.

    If my old computer with Windows 10 and Excel 2013 breaks and I purchase a new computer with Windows 11 and I download Excel 2013 from Microsoft's website, and follow all of their rules, then I try to open up 2013 and it crashes every time such that I cannot use my $150 "Sum" software. Now Excel is an extremely complicated piece of software, but all I want is to use my "SUM" function for which I paid $150, I don't care about all of the other functions, nor do I care that Microsoft is in the process of releasing a new version, all I know is that I paid $300 for Excel 2013 and I need it to run my "SUM" software and it won't open up.

    So I write to Microsoft and they say: "Hey, you're very important to us - we'll get back to you". Then days go by and I don't even hear anything. Now I paid $300 for that product, and even if it is obsolete and no longer supported, I still deserve to be able to use it, even though I went to a new computer with a new OS.

    But more importantly it is preventing me from getting my work done because I rely on that "SUM" function, and the developer who wrote the "SUM" function wrote it so that it could ONLY be used by Excel - not Libre Office, not other Excel knockoffs, only by Excel.

    Again, I am not trying to do ANYTHING with Excel except open it up to use the "SUM" function - that's it.

    So I cannot get the Excel 2013 to work on my new computer, even though Microsoft has on their website that indeed it is compatible with Windows 11, but I see that Microsoft has Excel 2019 out there but it will cost me ANOTHER $99 just to get it so I can use my "SUM" function I think: "Well, I've already paid $300 for Excel 2013 and I don't think it's right for them to charge me another $99 just so I can use my $150 "SUM" function, but they have me over a barrel. Without Excel, my "SUM" function, for which I paid $150 is useless - but I need it to do my work. So OK, if they can guarantee me that if I pay $99 for Excel 2019 it WILL open up, and since the developer of "SUM" has assured me his software IS compatible and tested for Excel 2019, then I will buy Excel 2019. I won't be happy about it, but I must have my "SUM" function working"

    My wife hates it when I use analogies, but I hope you understand what I'm saying.

    I HAD to buy the "full version" of Kontakt 5.8 or better to run this 3rd party software. No other software will run this. So I bought probably 6.2 or something (I can't tell because my old computer is broke). Now I get the new computer with Windows 11. I go to the N-I website and download Kontakt 6.8, which they say is compatible with Windows 11.

    This is a brand new computer that has nothing but factory software and the other software I've downloaded but have not yet used, and it is fully up to date. Yet when I try to open Kontakt 6.8 it crashes - again and again.

    So I submit a ticket. N-I says: "You're important to us, so we've escalated this. In the meantime here is a link to a program which will help us diagnose your problem, please run it and send us the file"

    So I did that, and days go by with no response. Now here I am with all of this 3rd party software which cannot run and I have no idea if anyone at N-I will ever respond, so I have no idea if all the money I spent on this 3rd party software is wasted, or more importantly if I will ever be able to use it again. And because N-I is not even responding by saying: "You are #12 in the queue", I am worried I may never be able to use this 3rd party software again and I got frustrated. So I kept sending e-mails to the fellow (Pedro) who first said: "You are very important to us so I've escalated this" but got no response. So I tried to open a new ticket, but it wouldn't allow me. In desperation I turned to this "Community" and I expressed my emotions and frustration and was told that my expectations are too high and I need to just calm down and stop using such strong language. Yet here I am with Kontakt, which I paid for (exclusively to use for the 3rd party software) which crashes every time I try to open it, and all this 3rd party software which cannot be used, and since I rely on those 3rd party instruments for music production (amateur, yes, but important to me) I cannot effectively use ANY of my software (including DAW and those not relying on Kontakt) because I won't have the ability to add the other instruments which I need.

    For any who think poorly of me for getting frustrated, I'm sorry. But if you have read this much I hope you understand my plight. I paid good money for Kontakt, just to use it for the 3rd party (I don't even download any of their libraries), but because it won't work on my new computer (and for all I know it is a simple matter to be resolved, and indeed it is due to my ignorance, but I wasn't forewarned that I had to be a "mechanic" in order to "drive this car") and N-I won't respond, I vented. We can say it is a character flaw, but I believe I'm a simple man who said: "I paid money for A in order to use it with B, now A doesn't work and nobody will help me get it to work".

  • Gipper17
    Gipper17 Member Posts: 22 Member

    Hi Jeremy_NI: I'm not sure how to respond to that other than to say that, until someone does respond, I am left with no solution and no evidence that a solution will be forthcoming at any time in the future. This is much like the reason why companies play awful music while you are on hold, so that you know someone is still there and will eventually get to you. N-I is not "playing music", so I have no idea if they will ever respond.

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