Repurpose my S61 MK1 keyboard

nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

Anyone know how I can turn this keyboard into a generic keyboard that I can effectively reassign all the buttons and knobs and switches?

I realize that hitting Shift-Instance changes the keyboard into 'Midi Mode' but that just creates more problems for me when I switch back or forth and I can only assign 16 rotaries. The only way I could even use the sustain pedal and expression pedal was to create a new device just for those 2 things

I'm forever having to fidget with this keyboard, because it is very quirky when using it with Komplete Kontrol and I think that it is absurd that the only way it kind of works is with the old app. I like the keyboard and plan on using it until the wheels fall off. I have no interest in a new or even never Komplete Kontrol keyboard. I'm willing to give up the light guide.

Seems like I need different drivers to do this and maybe install it as a Mackie device? I;m in Studio One 7 now but also use Bitwig some

Any help? Thanks

Best Answer

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    Yeah, don't worry mate, we hear ya (and most of us understand exactly what you are asking) and it could have easily been possible with some simple options in the keyboards firmware to set how the DAW related buttons would work (NI Mode/MCU Mode/Generic MIDI Mode) like how a lot of other keyboards work so you could actually make them usable with other things but sadly, even tho this is another of those great user requests over the years, this has never been considered nor would I expect it to change at this stage.

    I think every user knows you can MIDI map the rotaries and set keyzones (at least this is possible at a minimum) but having all those extra DAW transport buttons and encoder etc that becomes useless is disappointing and it's a gripe many users have that for a MIDI keyboard specifically it's rather lackluster for the premium you pay.

    So, without some high level script / driver to interact with those controls, no you cannot use them for anything outside Komplete Kontrol or the official DAW scripts, disappointing I know.

    In regards to the issue you have with controlling instances of KK in a project, that sounds like a misconfigure of the script and drivers. Can you post a screenshot of the MIDI configuration in your DAW? Likely you may have set the DAW port as a MIDI Input port where it should not be selected for MIDI input (it talks to the script direct and can cause issues if selected to also input MIDI into your DAW)


  • mordecai
    mordecai Member Posts: 17 Member

    There is driven by moss for bitwig. This supports the MK1 S series

  • mordecai
    mordecai Member Posts: 17 Member
  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    yes thanks. I've been using this script when I use Bitwig. It's pretty great when using Bitwig but you cant turn it into a generic keyboard. I;m now using Studio One 7 and don't want to use the Studio One Script..I want to turn this keyboard into something generic where I can assign the knobs to whatever I want

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Well, for the MK1 keyboard, you will need Controller Editor to edit the MIDI assignments. It should be installed on your system if you have been using the keyboard with the Komplete Kontrol application/plug-in.

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    I want to make this into a generic midi keyboard. One that I can make all the controls do what I want. Is there a way to do this ??

    Thanks. Yes I have the controller editor and have used it to change the key colors and assign faders to the Banks of rotaries. It doesent allow me to change the settings for the other controls that I can see..If I click on a button there is a small red dot that lights up for as long as i hold the mouse button down but I cant change anything

    The biggest problem I have with this keyboard is that it only works if I only have one KK track in a song. If I switch to another KK track the key switch lights and stuff are still on the original track and do do change to the current track and that's a real problem. I also never use the browse buttons on the right side of the keyboard..I can think of much better uses for these controls. It also never did allow me to use the sustain and expression pedals. I worked around this by installing it as a new keyboard for just these two things

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    Well, in Controller Editor you can only assign the assignable knobs and pedals as well as the MIDI channel or splits for the keys. AS you can see you can edit the pedal here:

    All the other buttons are not assignable.

    For the Komplete Kontrol functions and issues you mention, I'm not sure to understand everything. Is this happening with Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6? It's the last Komplete Kontrol version supporting the MK1 keyboards.

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper


    Apologies for the shouting, but I;ve been asking this question in multiple ways and not getting an answer. I assume I need a different midi script/driver than the ones that come with the unit. This doesn't seem like an unusual thing to request, It's a very good keyboard other than the Komplete Kontrol stuff

    Yes I tried setting up the keyboard pedals precisely that way with those settings and the pedals did not work. I had to add an additional generic keyboard with the KK driver just for the pedals and that problem was solved. Sorry I brought that's irrelevant I guess

    What isn't solved is that if I have more than one Komplete Kontrol instrument in a song, the light guide doesn't change to the correct instrument when I switch to another KK track and that is really bad. The light guide just stays on whatever instrument was originally selected. Yes, I know that unfortunately this keyboard only works with the old software version

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert
    edited October 2024 Answer ✓

    Yeah, don't worry mate, we hear ya (and most of us understand exactly what you are asking) and it could have easily been possible with some simple options in the keyboards firmware to set how the DAW related buttons would work (NI Mode/MCU Mode/Generic MIDI Mode) like how a lot of other keyboards work so you could actually make them usable with other things but sadly, even tho this is another of those great user requests over the years, this has never been considered nor would I expect it to change at this stage.

    I think every user knows you can MIDI map the rotaries and set keyzones (at least this is possible at a minimum) but having all those extra DAW transport buttons and encoder etc that becomes useless is disappointing and it's a gripe many users have that for a MIDI keyboard specifically it's rather lackluster for the premium you pay.

    So, without some high level script / driver to interact with those controls, no you cannot use them for anything outside Komplete Kontrol or the official DAW scripts, disappointing I know.

    In regards to the issue you have with controlling instances of KK in a project, that sounds like a misconfigure of the script and drivers. Can you post a screenshot of the MIDI configuration in your DAW? Likely you may have set the DAW port as a MIDI Input port where it should not be selected for MIDI input (it talks to the script direct and can cause issues if selected to also input MIDI into your DAW)

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Hey thanks man. All I need to know. I think my solution is to add a little 25 keys keyboard for DAW and VST control and use the KK keyboard as mostly a dumb keyboard. I;ve resolved the light guide issue by reinstalling some things, unplugging, reconnecting. Maybe you have noticed that the new Korg Keystage looks a lot like the mk1. I;m good to go. Thx for your help

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    Jester if you see this I have another question. Am I correct in assuming that my expression pedal and sustain pedal will only work correctly with Native Instruments Instruments plug ins? In my case that is what is happening..i can midi assign things from native instruments to these pedals, but nothing from other vsts or studio one effects or from Amplitube, etc

    Last time I kinda got around this by creating a new generic instrument and using the same native s series driver. Then midi learn the 2 pedals. But what that did was that it affected things like notes/swells/chords with long sustains..The sustains would simply be cut off when recording presumably because it was sending duplicate signals.. It is hard to imagine that the s61 would have an expression port and sustain port that only work with native Instruments products…Surely this cant be true?

  • nobadmojo
    nobadmojo Member Posts: 111 Helper

    groan..I've decided to just get another keyboard because I;m tired of messing with the mk1. I;m going with the Nektar T6 for a number of reasons. It does so much more and I bet the sustain and expression pedal will work just right in it. I;m looking to sell the mk1.

  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,089 Expert

    Sorry, missed this one (I don't have notifications for threads unless you quote my reply)

    I don't have an expression pedal but sustain should work with any instrument, not just NI. When I am in Ableton I have my expression pedal connected to my keyboard but will sometimes use Push to play and it is recorded just the same so can't see why it wouldn't work for an instrument, it's just a standard MIDI message.

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