Flexible beatgrids in the Parallel layout

Hey guys

I use the parallel deck layout. In a song with flexible beatgrids the parallel waveforms won't line up after the tempo change. The songs remain in sync, but it doesn't show as such in the parallel waveforms. I find this very confusing. Both songs are playing at the same tempo so shouldn't they line up?



  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,876 Expert

    Can you share a screenshot?

  • mixedbytheak
    mixedbytheak Member Posts: 3 Member

    I think it has something to do with adjusting the tempo. Like if you have two tracks with big difference in bpm and sync them together, the waveforms are zoomed in at a different level thus the lines get more off the further away from the play marker. You're right, they should make the grid line up like in a DAW.

  • Maumau
    Maumau Member Posts: 2 Member

    It's normal, the flexible grids work differently from the quantization done with Ableton's warp, with Ableton you modify the track (in fact you create a new quantized track) and normalize it to the established tempo, while with the flexible grids you don't modify the track, but you indicate to Traktor where the beats are, Traktor will do the dirty work in real time and will match the beats by speeding up or slowing down as better than an expert DJ would do on a vinyl.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    Good explanation Maumau.

    With tracks v grids, they have to align so that the software knows the tempo. There are two options. Either align the track to the grid (what Ableton call warping) so the tempo of the audio becomes regular, or align the grid to the track, which is the method used by Traktor. This retains the original feel of the track (all tempo variations) but the grid is then "uneven" because it's varying like the track.

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