Shortcut on Keyboard for the function "add to preparation list"

Esta Member Posts: 7 Member

So….. is there a short cut on the keyboard of my MAC that I can use to add tracks to the preparation list.

Best Answers


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod
    edited October 2024


    Traktor Pro 3 has 150 shortcuts, but "add to preparation list" is not included, because, really it is not some major or important function.

    For Traktor Pro 4 i don't know (yet) but i do not think so too.

    In case anyone wonders, here's the full list (for Traktor 3 at least):


    F1 Selector
    F2 Selector
    F3 Selector
    F4 Selector
    F5 Selector
    F6 Selector
    F7 Selector
    F8 Selector
    F9 Selector
    F10 Selector
    F11 Selector
    F12 Selector
    Shift + F1 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F2 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F3 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F4 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F5 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F6 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F7 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F8 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F9 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F10 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F11 Add folder to favorites
    Shift + F12 Add folder to favorites
    Ctrl + / Layout selector decrease
    Ctrl + / Layout selector increase
    Left arrow Select up / down (Browser.Tree)
    Right arrow Select up / down (Browser.Tree)
    Left arrow Select expand / collapse
    Right arrow Select expand / collapse
    Up arrow Select up / down decrease (Browser.List)
    Down arrow Select up / down increase (Browser.List)
    Backspace Undo / Redo
    Space Only browser on
    Cmd + A Select all
    Ctrl + A Select all
    Cmd + F Search
    Ctrl + F Search
    Alt + Ctrl + Space Reset downbeat

    Deck A / Deck B

    1 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck A)
    2 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck A)
    3 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck A)
    4 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck A)
    5 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck A)
    6 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck B)
    7 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck B)
    8 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck B)
    9 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck B)
    0 (hold) Select / Set + Store Hotcue (Deck B)
    Shift + 1 Loop size select + Set (Deck A)
    Shift + 2 Loop size select + Set (Deck A)
    Shift + 3 Loop size select + Set (Deck A)
    Shift + 4 Loop size select + Set (Deck A)
    Shift + 5 Loop size select + Set (Deck A)
    Shift + 6 Loop size select + Set (Deck B)
    Shift + 7 Loop size select + Set (Deck B)
    Shift + 8 Loop size select + Set (Deck B)
    Shift + 9 Loop size select + Set (Deck B)
    Shift + 0 Loop size select + Set (Deck B)
    Ctrl + 1 Delete hotcue (Deck A)
    Ctrl + 2 Delete hotcue (Deck A)
    Ctrl + 3 Delete hotcue (Deck A)
    Ctrl + 4 Delete hotcue (Deck A)
    Ctrl + 5 Delete hotcue (Deck A)
    Ctrl + 6 Delete hotcue (Deck B)
    Ctrl + 7 Delete hotcue (Deck B)
    Ctrl + 8 Delete hotcue (Deck B)
    Ctrl + 9 Delete hotcue (Deck B)
    Ctrl + 0 Delete hotcue (Deck B)
    Q (hold) Cue (Deck A)
    A (hold) Cue (Deck B)
    W Play / Pause (Deck common)
    S Play / Pause (Deck common)
    E (hold) Beatjump (Deck A)
    D (hold) Beatjump (Deck B)
    F (hold) Beatjump (Deck B)
    R (hold) Beatjump (Deck A)
    U Sync on (Deck A)
    J Sync on (Deck B)
    I Beat tap (track deck. grid) (Deck A)
    K Beat tap (track deck. grid) (Deck B)
    O Loop in / Set cue (Deck A)
    L Loop in / Set cue (Deck B)
    P Loop out (Deck A)
    ; Loop out (Deck B)
    [ Loop size select + Set (Deck A)
    ' Loop size select + Set (Deck B)
    Shift + Q Play back mode Int / Rel / Abs / Hap (Deck A)
    Shift + A Play back mode Int / Rel / Abs / Hap (Deck B)
    Shift + W Play back mode Int / Rel / Abs / Hap (Deck A)
    Shift + S Play back mode Int / Rel / Abs / Hap (Deck B)
    Shift + E Beatjump (Deck A)
    Shift + D Beatjump (Deck B)
    Shift + R Beatjump (Deck A)
    Shift + F Beatjump (Deck B)
    Shift + T Seek position (Deck Common)
    Shift + G Seek position (Deck Common)
    Shift + Y Keylock on (Deck A)
    Shift + H Keylock on (Deck B)
    Shift + U Set as tempo master (Deck A)
    Shift + J Set as tempo master (Deck B)
    Shift + I Copy phase from tempo master (Deck A)
    Shift + K Copy phase from tempo master (Deck B)
    Shift + O Loop size selector decrease (Deck A)
    Shift + L Loop size selector decrease (Deck B)
    Shift + P Loop size selector increase (Deck A)
    Shift + ; Loop size selector increase (Deck B)
    Shift + [ Loop active on (Deck A)
    Shift + ' Loop active on (Deck B)
    Z Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    X Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    C Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    V Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    B Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    N Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    M Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    , Slot capture / Trigger / Mute (Remix Deck~)
    . Waveform zoom adjust (Deck A)
    / Waveform zoom adjust (Deck B)
    / Waveform zoom adjust (Deck A)
    Shift + . Waveform zoom adjust (Deck A)
    Shift + . Waveform zoom adjust (Deck B)
    Shift + / Waveform zoom adjust (Deck B)
    Shift + / Waveform zoom adjust (Deck A)
    Shift + Z Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + X Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + C Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + V Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + B Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + N Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + M Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + , Slot retrigger play (Remix Deck~)
    Shift + Left arrow Load selected (Deck Common) (Deck A)
    Ctrl + Left arrow Load selected (Deck Common) (Deck A)
    Shift + Right arrow Load selected (Deck Common) (Deck B)
    Ctrl + Right arrow Load selected (Deck Common) (Deck B)
    Ctrl + Shift + Left --> Duplicate track Deck B (Deck A)
    Ctrl + Shift + Right--> Duplicate track Deck A (Deck B)
    T Tempo bend (Deck A)
    G Tempo bend (Deck B)
    Y Tempo bend (Deck A)
    H Tempo bend (Deck B)
    Ctrl + Z Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + X Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + C Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + V Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + B Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + N Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + M Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)
    Ctrl + , Slot stop / Delete / Load from list (Remix Deck~)

  • Esta
    Esta Member Posts: 7 Member

    Hey thank you for quick answer. So curious that it does not exist. I would find "add to preparation list a very useful shortcut", one I would use a lot. I use it at home, while preparing, and when I am making large playlists, I now just often whip out the small S2 so I have at my sitting desk where I have limited space. Because of the add to prep list button, it is a quick way to add a lot of songs to my prep list as I am browsing. On my standing desk where the S4 is, I use this button a lot as well. I would barely use it in a playing out situation, but in my prep it would avoid a lot of mouse clicks.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,227 mod
    Answer ✓

    Make your own. The command can be assigned to any key (I always use '+'). You may have to reset any other command assigned to the same key to avoid double functions.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,460 mod
    edited October 2024

    "Drag n' drop" is much faster than any button, imo…

    i make huge playlists in seconds by, first shorting the tracklist by artist, genre, key or bpm (depending in what i want), then select the first track and click Ctrl + Shift to select all and drag them where ever i want.

    I have never used the "add to preparation list" (or the preparation list itself) for over a decade, always thought it is a kind of amateurish thing… Of course, in your case, as you described it, looks like a good solution 😉

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,880 Expert

    I love the prep list.

    I sort a genre list or similar, then have keyboard shortcuts for "select next song and play in preview player", "fast forward preview player" and of course "add to prep list"

    All the keys are close together. That way I can sit on the couch or in the bus/train/plane to the gig and single handidly pick songs.

  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro
    edited October 2024


  • Patch
    Patch Member Posts: 329 Pro
    Answer ✓

    I just checked - it's there. What's missing as mappable is "Select as Preparation List".

  • Esta
    Esta Member Posts: 7 Member

    Thank you all for the feedback

  • Esta
    Esta Member Posts: 7 Member
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