My native instruments is stuck on installing Kontakt Factory Library 2

Francis Member Posts: 1 Newcomer


I've had this problem for the past hour or two on my Macbook Pro (32 GB memory with M2 chip & 1.7 TB of free space), and I've tried the following:

Enabling disk access for NTK.Daemon and Native Instruments in Privacy & Security.

Closing and quitting the application.

I have not tried to restart the computer as I'm afraid that it'll restart the downloading process. This download has taken me an entire day as the file is gigantic (39 GB).

Have you guys found any solutions to this? I don't really want to restart it as a last option.


Best Answer


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Ok, this might sound dumb, but it mighr be because of a internet connection and security.

    Either that, or it is better to make a custom folder for NI plugins and with File Management changing the location to that folder.

    It helped me when I had that problem.

    Let me know if it helped you too, good sir.

  • Teacher
    Teacher Member Posts: 2 Member

    I have been waiting for nearly a week, For kontact factory libary 2 to install and it is still installing I've left my computer on overnight for the past four nights and no difference. Sill installing!!!! not much music making happening, I an approaching the pissed off stage now.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓

    For similar issues, please get in touch here:

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