Migration from Kontakt version 7 to version 8

michael ernst
michael ernst Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hi there,

recently I load a song in my DAW that uses Duets in Kontakt 7. Surprise! The track which uses Duets could not be activated because Duets is now exclusively running with Kontakt 8. So I install Version 8. Problem: All sound settings are now lost. That's quite a blow! If only I had known in advance, I would have saved the relevant track with the relevant sound settings as an audio-file.

Is there a chance to transfer the old settings made under version 7 to the new version 8? Or are we dealing here with one of the seven plagues from the Bible?

Constructive suggestions for solutions are most welcome.

Best regards


Best Answer

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    There may be something getting lost in translation (I know you're trying) but I'm failing to understand why Duets would have required an update to Kontakt 8. It works in Kontakt 7 here. I also have 8. I don't have any old sessions in which I used Duets in 7, so I can't check to see if they load correctly, but I can't see any reason they wouldn't. And it still shows and loads in both 7 and 8.

    Duets hasn't been updated in almost a year and lists Kontakt 7.6 as the required minimum version.

    I would contact support if you haven't already. The chat can be frustrating, responses a little slow, and at first you'll get a set of generic trouble shooting steps, but in my experience they try their best to be helpful, and if the generic steps don't help they will ask you to run a support tool which gathers information they can use to try find the cause of your problem.

    As a general practice, I have recently learned that it is a good idea to save either a snapshot (save icon in snapshot view) or an instrument copy (in Kontakt 7 and 8: File menu, save as) to ensure I can recover the settings in a new Kontakt version no matter what happens to the old one. This applies also to Reaktor and anything else with a version number in the name.


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    Some DAWs allow automatic migration for plugins from older to newer version (Cubase and Logic - others I don’t know). An old version of plugin (VST3 or AU) needs to manually deleted for this to work. Nothing to do with NI, this is DAW related thing and part of VST3 specification.

  • michael ernst
    michael ernst Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I´m afraid due to insufficient english skills I have nor been able to describe my problem absolutely properly. Thanks anyway. After the change from Version 7 to Version 8 the DAW (Reason unfortunately) is unable to load or reconstruct Kontakt 7 with the last Duets-settings as saved the last time. It says: "Unable to load due to …" So there is no possibilty to "sneak" into Duets just for a look which where the setting last time. But anyway, it´s not the end of the world as we know it (that will be climate change) and I am confident that I used Duets not too often so the damage is limited. In future, however, I will be very careful with Kontact sound generators: either use them only rarely or always make a backup copy.

    Thanks again and best regards


  • Maciej Repetowski
    Maciej Repetowski Member Posts: 701 Guru

    What about if you would delete Kontakt 8, reinstall Kontakt 7 and reopen the project. You should be able to retrieve your original Duets settings that way?

  • michael ernst
    michael ernst Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks. But the problem ist that in Kontakt 7 Duets doesn´t work and even appear anymore with Version 7. Kontakt is the Frame in which you have different Apps (Playbox, Hybrid Keys, Drum Lab, etc.) which enter service as soon as you start Kontakt. But for the further use of Duets you now have from one day to another to install and open Kontakt 8. As soon you did this, Duets will appear again in the List of Apps/Plug-ins. That´s fine. But as you made you settings on Duets in this certain Song while Duets was still runnning with Kontakt 7 this individuals setting are gone. It´s like a Fairy came over night in your house and took your old Yamaha DX7 with all it´s indivudual settings away and replaced it with a brand new Yamaha DX7. In short: the problem is the lack of backwards compatibility of Duets.

    Thanks a lot and best wishes …

  • Paul B
    Paul B Member Posts: 169 Advisor
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    There may be something getting lost in translation (I know you're trying) but I'm failing to understand why Duets would have required an update to Kontakt 8. It works in Kontakt 7 here. I also have 8. I don't have any old sessions in which I used Duets in 7, so I can't check to see if they load correctly, but I can't see any reason they wouldn't. And it still shows and loads in both 7 and 8.

    Duets hasn't been updated in almost a year and lists Kontakt 7.6 as the required minimum version.

    I would contact support if you haven't already. The chat can be frustrating, responses a little slow, and at first you'll get a set of generic trouble shooting steps, but in my experience they try their best to be helpful, and if the generic steps don't help they will ask you to run a support tool which gathers information they can use to try find the cause of your problem.

    As a general practice, I have recently learned that it is a good idea to save either a snapshot (save icon in snapshot view) or an instrument copy (in Kontakt 7 and 8: File menu, save as) to ensure I can recover the settings in a new Kontakt version no matter what happens to the old one. This applies also to Reaktor and anything else with a version number in the name.

  • michael ernst
    michael ernst Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks for the context.

    Yes, it´s true, Duets is running with Kontakt 7.6. My last installed version was 7.1 - so that´s why Duets wouldn´t start. But anyway, I figured a way to reconstruct the settings and in future - just like you suggested - I will take some measures of precaution in order to avoid such unpleasent surprises. By the way - it bothers me that the Kontalt Player more an more is becomeing a marketing tool. This is something that annoys me and encourages me to use the contact player as rarely as possible.

    Cheers …

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