How do I email/contact support about Kontakt 8 not working?

Outcast Member Posts: 18 Member

Okay, I'm really regretting buying Kontakt 8 now. It installs and shows I have the Full version, and I enabled developer mode, but it acts like I only have the Player version and shows me the gears in the upper left instead of the wrench.

Then, I went to send a simple email to support, and find that their support site is basically designed to prevent you from contacting them, which is ironic considering it's about Kontakt.

Anyway, not a happy camper when there is no way to contact them and their product doesn't work.

Best Answers

  • Outcast
    Outcast Member Posts: 18 Member
    Answer ✓

    I managed to get it working.

    To do so, I did two things. First, because I had already tried simply reinstalling it without success, and because I had downloaded and played with Kontakt 8 Player a couple days ago, I went ahead and used the web site to grab the serial number, and register it in Native Access. It accepted it as if it was new, and then on my computer I completely removed Kontakt 8. Only then, did I reinstall it.

    And now, it works, and after enabling the developer checkboxes, etc., I can get into dev mode, at least on third party instruments.

    I'm still not too happy that it appears I can no longer go in and mess with the controls directly on licensed instruments. Locking up stuff just chases people away.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    Answer ✓

    You need to be in classic view not default view to access the editor - still not there for all libraries but that is no different from K7


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,330 mod


    do you mean you don't have the wrench with a kontakt library visible, cause some libraries have this disabled. Or do you make a new instrument from scratch?

  • Outcast
    Outcast Member Posts: 18 Member

    I can't make a new instrument, I can't get into developer mode on ANY library. And the wrench was ALWAYS available in K7 because you need to be able to get to the back end if to adjust things, so if this is something new they are doing where they disabled that, I want no part of it.

    I noticed a huge list of known issues, so I think I'm just going to request a refund. I don't like it when companies release stuff they should have put out in Beta first. I don't have time to fight software.

  • Outcast
    Outcast Member Posts: 18 Member
    Answer ✓

    I managed to get it working.

    To do so, I did two things. First, because I had already tried simply reinstalling it without success, and because I had downloaded and played with Kontakt 8 Player a couple days ago, I went ahead and used the web site to grab the serial number, and register it in Native Access. It accepted it as if it was new, and then on my computer I completely removed Kontakt 8. Only then, did I reinstall it.

    And now, it works, and after enabling the developer checkboxes, etc., I can get into dev mode, at least on third party instruments.

    I'm still not too happy that it appears I can no longer go in and mess with the controls directly on licensed instruments. Locking up stuff just chases people away.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,362 mod
    Answer ✓

    You need to be in classic view not default view to access the editor - still not there for all libraries but that is no different from K7

  • Outcast
    Outcast Member Posts: 18 Member

    okay, good to know. I’ve learned my lesson though. Going to wait to update anything, and fully uninstall trials first.

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