Double Push Controller Alternative not working on S2 MK2

DJ Dart
DJ Dart Member Posts: 21 Member

In Traktor Pro 4, loading stems or tracks (whatever is configured as the secondary load option) is done via "Double Push (controller alternative)".

My interpretation of Double Push is clicking the Load Button (A or B) twice. However, at least on my KontroL S2 MK2, this does not work and it uses the primary load option.

Is this a bug or do I have the wrong understanding of the double push option?


Best Answer

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,093 mod
    Answer ✓

    • Double-click for alternate load is implemented only for MK3 series. You could implement an overmapping of the load buttons via controller manager that differentiates between a single short tap and a hold (for ~ 0.5s ) function, both triggering on release. This is done with incremental modifiers that reset on release as well as trigger primary or secondary load depending on the value the modifier has reached when the button is released.


  • ErikMinekus
    ErikMinekus Member Posts: 122 Advisor

    Pretty sure this is only implemented in these controllers and CDJ/XDJs:

    • S2 MK3
    • S3
    • S4 MK3
    • X1 MK3
    • CDJ 3000
    • XDJ 700
    • XDJ 1000 MK2
  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,093 mod
    Answer ✓

    • Double-click for alternate load is implemented only for MK3 series. You could implement an overmapping of the load buttons via controller manager that differentiates between a single short tap and a hold (for ~ 0.5s ) function, both triggering on release. This is done with incremental modifiers that reset on release as well as trigger primary or secondary load depending on the value the modifier has reached when the button is released.
  • FloydianSound
    FloydianSound Member Posts: 36 Member

    Same issue on Traktor S8,
    I'm assuming the flagship is MK3 ?

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,093 mod

    S8, S5 and D2 also need a tiny bit of recoding. As mentioned in a different thread i will elaborate on how this is done via qml in my 'double-tap' thread. It is my hope NI will do this on their own when they are addressing the 'Known Issues' and i will continue to press the issue.

  • DJ Dart
    DJ Dart Member Posts: 21 Member

    Thanks everyone for your help. I did not find anything about this limitation in any of the instructions for the new Track/Stem load mechanism so I thought it wasn't hardware-dependent.

  • Claashollwegs
    Claashollwegs Member Posts: 26 Member

    Hi All,
    is this also the case with the F1?
    I tried various combinations, but i need to set loding Stems with a simple push to enable this with the F1.
    Seems that i now will have to double push on the X1 MK3 to load the regular track in a track deck, right?

    Best regards


  • DJ Dart
    DJ Dart Member Posts: 21 Member

    I would say the missing support for double push on the F1 on the one hand and the existing support on the X1 MK3 on the other are two separate concerns.

    Using the Double Push on the X1 MK3 is an option, but not THE option. These are two separate controllers. You could also implement a mapping for the F1 similar to what @Sûlherokhh explained.

  • Claashollwegs
    Claashollwegs Member Posts: 26 Member

    Hi Dart,
    i think i go for the default settings with a single push and use the double push for Track adding using the X1MK3. But thank you nonetheless…


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