Zoomable and Scrollable Pattern Editor / Piano Roll

Kai_NI Product Team Posts: 60 mod
edited November 2024 in Sequencer & Pattern Editor

As a user,

I want to be able to adjust the viewing size of the Pattern Editor / Piano Roll including key sizes, note events and beat grid

in order to 

adjust the amount of displayed notes and size of notes to increase convenience when editing.

This relates to the ability to horizontally and vertically zoom and scroll the Pattern Editor / Piano Roll.

79 votes

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please share your comments about the idea below and let us know if you have any specific feedback about your use case or how you would like to see this implemented.


  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert
    edited February 2024

    @Kai_NI Isn’t the second part already covered now? At least for the horizontal part (zoom and scroll) and vertical scrolling. Do you mean something different?

    I would focus the title on the “viewing size of the Pattern Editor” aspect, maybe even by calling it “resizable Editor window”

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    The title isn’t misleading at all, since you are focusing on both aspects. Maybe just omitting the part that I consider the real innovation ("Viewing size of the Pattern Editor").

    Maybe you could just include both aspects

  • dmori
    dmori Member Posts: 92 Advisor

    Can this be zoomable/scrollable via keyboard shortcuts (on computer) and also via the hardware (a couple of knobs with no parameters are available on HW) to change zoom/scroll in software.

  • b-righteous
    b-righteous Member Posts: 26 Helper

    Biggest issue with zoom and scroll for me is actually the arranger follow. It will not follow across scenes/sections in the timeline to keep the notes displayed in sync with what you hear. You are forced to pick up the mouse and click every pattern or clip you need displayed.

    Also want a simple 1/2 or full horizontal zoom for the right display of the hardware that will stay locked across all scenes and be remembered with the project.

  • Nenenyc212
    Nenenyc212 Member Posts: 4 Member

    sorry if this should be under a different folder/topic, but I would welcome if I could see the entire pattern by default. Currently, whenever I open a project I have to zoom in to see the entire pattern which is not the end of the world but would just be nice to not have to do each time. Thanks.

  • pauljames510
    pauljames510 Member Posts: 6 Member

    I would like to be able to use Maschine VST plugin with a resizable GUI. Right now there are three sizes and no full screen as a VST. If I could drag the lower right corner to resize to my liking and go full screen that would be nice when using Maschine in plugin mode.

  • kbryarly
    kbryarly Member Posts: 43 Helper

    I agree that for me, one of the most frustrating things is that the"follow" command cannot be 'locked' - such that Maschine always follows the timeline - even after you stop and edit something. To me, the Follow Button works in exactly the opposite way it should. Maschine should always be in follow mode - unless you engage the "STOP FOLLOW" button.

  • Metzger Beats
    Metzger Beats Member Posts: 8 Helper

    This is a big one for me. Adding on–There should be a fix for how we edit events.

    Example: If I delete an event at the 4.2 mark, the software reverts/selects the event at 1.1 on the timeline, forcing me to scroll back to where I was. The program should choose the next closest event.

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