Why Rig 5 is in demo with Native access 3.14.

Severin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

I would like to know something about Native Access.
For Guitar Rig 5,I only can download it with the Native access 3.3.0. 
When I use Native Access 3.14,it doesn't work, It put Rig 5 in a Demo Mode.
Can you tell me more about this?
Thank You

Best Answer


  • Severin
    Severin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    My Configuration :

    Apple M2 OS Ventura 13.6.5

    Pro Tools 2023.9

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert

    Well - for starters - GR5 has been retired for years and most certainly is not supported under Ventura.

    That alone could be a major part of the issue.

    You may want to consider an upgrade to a supported version.


  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    edited September 2024 Answer ✓

    Hello Severin,

    Please note that Guitar Rig 5 is not supported officially on M1 machines. We have a workaround that you can attempt to apply, however please note that we do not offer support for this workaround. 

    Kind regards

    1. Go to the following location: 
      Macintosh HD > Library > Preferences
    2. Delete the "com.native-instruments.Guitar Rig 5.plist" file
    3. Restart your computer
    4. Download, install and open NA 3.2.3 via this link:
    5. Install Guitar Rig 5

    I hope this helps☺️

  • Severin
    Severin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    @ Vocal point, I know but I composed for a TV show with GR5 and I am Oblige to , at least check the good preset to transfer it on GR6. So, what can I say. It s normal to provide a way to not discontinued our work.

    @Mert_NI : Thanks for your tip. But it s not my problem. I ve forgotten to say that I use Rosetta.

    I can use Native access 3.2.3 and Rig5. The problem is when I want to use Native Access 3.14. This one cancelled Rig5. And if I use Access 3.2.3 I cannot see the new update for the others Libraries.

    It s really important for us, Movie Composer, to have a solution when there is a new upgrade with software or librairies, effect etc….. RIG6 is totally independant from RIG5.

    And I have to say that with the M1 and M2 Era , it s a mass to refind what we have done with the old ones.

    Excet this I have to say that I really happy with Native, but on this shot Intel To Silicon, it s really not easy.

    From 3 month I am lookin for , my my Pro Tools and Native stuff is slower than before..

  • Mert_NI
    Mert_NI Customer Care Posts: 748 mod
    edited September 2024

    Hello Severin, then as Guitar Rig 5 is not supported officially on M1 machines or above as well as the Native Access above 3.2.3(excluding 2.3.2), it will not be possible to work with it unfortunately.

    I hope this helps☺️

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,251 Expert


    "@Vocalpoint, I know but I composed for a TV show with GR5 and I am Oblige to , at least check the good preset to transfer it on GR6. So, what can I say. It s normal to provide a way to not discontinued our work.

    100% understood - however GR5 was released in 2011 and as a TV show composer - especially if using Mac/Apple - your work is almost guaranteed to be discontinued if you do not take some time to stay current with your software.


  • Severin
    Severin Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    @Mert_NI Thank you very much for your reply. I will use it, when I ll have to check the old preset.

    @Vocalpoint , I know :). But I started 3 years ago, and I didn t realise that the Rig5 will be not ok 3 years after.

    Anyway thank you both for the super fast replies. See you and thank you again.

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